10:32 AM 4/28/09 · Shortly after I heard about the whole Swine Flu thing I shrugged. Not to make less of the deaths that have been suffered, not to discount the rapid global spread...it just doesn't overly concern me. I have a very light history with influenza in general, and its cousin pneumonia who was like a roommate through a lot of my childhood. I tend to get them and hit record breaking fevers (supposedly when a fever gets that high it can warp a brain which would explain a lot) and then I'm fine.
Small problem with needles so each year I don't get the flu shot. I figure the best way to get innoculated is to actually get the flu, let my body develop its various immunities (my immune system is a scary beastie) and then proceed along my way.
April 27, 2009: Snoutbreak '09 - The Last 100 Days
Swine flu claims 149 lives in Mexico so far -- ranking it last on the list of things that can kill you in Mexico.
April 27, 2009: The Last 100 Days
Are Obama's first 100 days actually The Last 100 Days? See Jason Jones and John Oliver tackle swine flu.
April 27, 2009: Days of Swine and Doses
The swine flu is a virus that contains something from pig, bird and human -- just like Stephen's paella recipe.
I don't intend to start worrying about this piggy pox until the dead start rising from the grave and start trying to eat the living.