...a little bit down.
7:11 PM 9/8/08 · So,
Suzi came by today. Kind of on a lark, conflicted and wanting very much not to be alone and I'm just so damned comfort inducing. There's worse fates I suppose. Mostly kinda crashed out and cuddled up on my bed, which is tricky due to that nesting thing I've been doing lately.
Basically, we're lying down the middle (not lengthwise) with mountains of my stuff on either side of us.
I was a mite worried about an avalanche.
She's currently outside smoking. I was pretty much done for the day when she came in, it was still hot enough that there was no danger of me getting hungry anytime soon.
Suzi, on the other hand, had other plans and after much poking and prodding (I'm hard to get going when I don't wanna) we ambled a couple miles down the road for her Jamba Juice and my cheeseburger.
Then we ambled back...and here we are.
I'm generally happy to do the whole therapy route but depending on the emotional factors of the other party it can be quite draining on me. I expect I'll be doing the sleep of the damned tonight once she's gone. Not a bad thing but the dreams tend to be a bit...
Not all bad. Numerous gigglefits, mucho cuddling, a donut that was rather forced upon me that I mostly argued to distract from less pleasant thoughts, and now that she's gone I've got her scent lingering. Even though it's laced with cloves...it is a nice upturn from the usual assortment of aromas I'm mostly very blah about.