10:26 PM 2/26/08 · So I played psychologist earlier and I think I did a good job. Helping a friend, LJ type, who was having issues with pushing someone close to them away when they got in a particular frame of mind. This is actually something I have a fair amount of experience with, insofar as giving advice anyway, as I've known many like this. The advice given is just to do one particular thing: when you feel like you're going to get to that point you push them away...pull them close instead.
Granted, this advice only works for those that know they do this and don't like it.
You pull that someone you normally would push away and you hold them close. You stay close, you cuddle, you hug them with all the intensity as you'd want to get away from them for whatever it is inside you that you don't like that does that...
...with the exception of smothering them to death.
That would be bad.
We're trying to maintain healthy relationships here...not go for a homocide.
They have yet to perfect the "death by hugging" defense.
I tend to use hugging as a cure for just about anything. Well, except diseases...then it's chicken soup. If someone to hug is not available then it's Ben & Jerry's, the ultimate comfort food. Just about anything else can be solved with a hug. I think it's the healthier way to go, with one notable exception. I hold the distinction of possibly being the only person that has ever been thrown out of a scifi convention for excessive hugging. Talk about a case of mistaken intentions! Although, even with that, I almost got the opportunity to hug someone I never thought I'd've had the chance to.
See (really no good way to put this) it was called into question the nature of how I was hugging people. It didn't take into consideration I was literally hugging just about everybody, regardless of gender, but I got accused of something I wasn't doing so I had to go through this. I was asked to specify how I was hugging and I just stood up in front of the head of convention security, which was
Gary, and held out my arms and said "C'mere!"
Closest I've seen the guy to looking absolutely mortified. He stepped aside, looked around nervously, and made one of his crew hug me for display purposes; a woman too for what it's worth.
Other than that foolishness I went through, hugging really is the best way to go!