Well, poo.

Dec 04, 2007 07:49

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Ship·of·Fools, &

10:20 PM 12/3/07 · So, last Friday I made a rather disturbing discovery and I gotta say...I'm not happy about it. Apparently there was a memo in the LJ Updates about it but it was such a minor footnote that it didn't quite register.

Don't know the exact date this went down but there is currently a restriction on all accounts, journals and communities alike, that you can have no more than 1000 tags total. Last Friday I noticed that the newer posts I had weren't showing tags, I've been fairly obsessive in using them with this account, and that in one of my communities (
Multi·Genre·Fandom) the same thing was going down.

A little research revealed why this was.

Since this I've noticed a few other people noticing this same problem, most notably the folks over at scans_daily.

I've started using the Tags Manager to edit out what tags I deem unnecessary. That and viewing my comms tag list; just add /tag to the url of your journal to view your basic list. First few were pretty easy, I deleted the tags that were attributed to deleted posts. Strangely, even if they're not on other posts, they're still counted unless you actually remove the tags themselves. Also ones that I later corrected because they were mispellings. To follow will be ones that not necessary...which will take hours to work out.

Not even touching my communities yet...but I'll get there.


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