just call me Limp Along Cassidey

Nov 16, 2007 08:50

8:17 PM 11/15/07 · Thursday did not start out so good. It was bad enough that the funk in my system caused me to wake up about 2½ hours late, though still in time to get to work in time if that was all it had been, but when I rolled over and nearly sat up a sudden sensation lanced up from the inside right of my left calf to the base of my spine...

...Pain! Agony!! Blazing Wrongnessessess!!!!

In the last 5 years this has happened to me all of 3 times. Regrettably this was the first time it happened on a day I had to work; walking bad! The pain is searing and my reaction uncontrolled. I stretch out as hard as I can while trying not to move the leg...two actions that do not work together at all. Sadly, I'm kinda on auto·pilot at that point. The only good thing about it is that the searing sensation only lasts about a few minutes...I think. That much pain, even in such a relatively small part of my whole form, tends to warp one's perception of time.

As I mentioned, I didn't have to work the other two times this happened to me. Instead I just spent the day in bed...and moved as little as possible. I was aware of the remaining tension but it wasn't a big deal because I was still in bed. By the time I did get up, several hours after the fact (when it happens it's always when I wake up) it was business as usual.

There was evident tension as I walked to the bus stop. It was kinda like I could walk okay but my left leg wouldn't unbend as far as it usually did. Seemed okay until I got off the train in San Francisco, where I found it had tensed up from protracted sitting. Had mixed reactions throughout my time at work.

Basically, I limped a lot.

Had a few mini·twinges of pain as well, muscles there spasmed a few times. Even now, hours after the fact, I flex it and it feels wrong but I'm hoping it'll be fine again by morning.

Still, it might not be a bad idea to seek out the opinion of a professional. I was kinda thinking
Whitney. It is her field, after all, and while it may not be a relevant fact...she does give good hug.

I judge people by a number of warped factors.

Hugging is very key!

5:28 AM 11/16/07 · So much for that idea. The tension's still there but at least it doesn't hurt unless I flex it or I'm on my side and my other leg is resting on top it. I've been wrong before...it happens every so often.

Least I'm not limping anymore...so far.

7:53 AM 11/16/2007 · Still not limping and I'm oddly disappointed. I had this whole mental image of a kinda shuffling, scraping sorta thing working on that side of me...with my lumbering along going, "Yeth, Mathter...I am here to do your bidding."

That'd've gone over well with the clients around the office.

Still a bit stiff but I'm not sure if I'm being unfair, contrasting it with my loyal right leg which would never think to wake me up with such blinding pain. It's just noticably not as flexible as I think it should be.

diseased, pain, whitney

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