Each year that I goto this convention I try and hammer out some basic rules of conduct for the room; usually about 4 or 5 on average. This year was really the first time I actually typed one up and printed it for display in said room: front door, balcony, main wall in room, bathroom; representative of the 4 corners for a more powerful meaning and effect. Anyway, I didn't save them but I'll keep one of the printouts to retype it later so you can see how it was all laid out.
Two of the rules on there kinda relate to each other...the ones about the room being clothing optional and that if you don't want people to see you having sex then you should go elsewhere. Hasn't been much in the way of an issue with either, even when naked folks in the room randomly open the door forgetting to look out the peephole first and giving hotel staff heart attacks. Also in regards to de happy naked bouncy times...
...of which there have been many.
Last night, the name of the game was interaction.
Rachel and Isaac were going at each other fairly consistantly but what was great about it was that she was constantly critiquing him throughout. So much so that a number of us around the room were doing the same...which resulted in a lot of giggling on all sides; my jaws were aching at points and I was having to hold my sides becuase...actually don't know why but it seemed to be the thing to do.
This went on for a couple hours before the majority of us turned in,
Raven and I had a critique free session, and people generally headed off to bed.
8:49 AM 5/31/2006 · beyond this point has been edited at a friend's request
However, just prior to that, I was increasingly finding myself fascinated with a friend's lady love. In the far famed convention, many a year ago where I was actually thrown out for excessive hugging (may post on that later) I had a claw and massage session scheduled for her that I never got the chance to get to. She had alluded that much more than what had been discussed would likely go down and while I was decidedly interested I knew I wouldn't go through with that.
While we're not that close (in that I barely ever cross paths with him), the guy half of this equation is good peoples and I just wouldn't do that to him...which is kinda hypcritical when you think about it.
Observations of her last night were that she's up for quite a bit of kissing and grinding with just about anybody and she's hardly doing it behind his back. Hell, he's usually nearby grinning happily at the whole thing, giving me the definite impression their relationship is open to some degree or other. Most of the times I'm actively pleasuring a woman I hold to the policy she have as much pleasure as possible even if that's not necessarily with me...so I get it. Two such people, that I may not have introduced but did kinda get the ball rolling for their current relationship are
Anna &
niveK...who I love more than just about anyone else in the world that aren't my blood relations. They tend to have an open relationship while at this con and even though she once offered to take me on again (she was my lady love once upon a time) I bowed out.
Not because I think I'm irresistable or anything like that but I didn't want to take even the slimmest chance of messing up what they have. So too do I feel in regards to the relationship between the aforementioned lady and guy...
...although I think I might wanna explore with her what their arrangement is anyway just to bop the idea around. There's something about her that she seems to be getting hotter and hotter everytime I see her. Keeps up and I'm just gonna be a happy puddle in front of her one of these days. The fact she grabbed and ground against me last night may've contributed to this as well.
So, that's what's been buzzing around the gray matter today. Mild bit of guilt too as I can never remember her name usually but her face never fades from the memory.