Monday did not go as planned...

Oct 24, 2007 09:44 I had anything remotely resembling a plan to begin with.

11:33 PM 10/22/07 · Should be going to sleep about now, or a ½ hours and some change ago, but let me just get this out. I'm thinking the month and change of working the graveyard shift threw off my internal clock. Specifically that clock that calls out for meal time. I went through most of Monday not even a little hungry and I can't help wonder if there's some kinda correlation.

I got up and out much easier than I thought I would, waking at 3am·ish and getting out of the house at 5:55am. Should've left a little earlier, 5:40am is ideal, but I lucked out and didn't miss the bus. Swung by Starbuck's on the way in and as it was chilly I got a venti mocha...

...which realistically is really the only thing I had for most of the day. I wasn't really hungry when I had that, just got something as much out of habit as hoping the caffeine would keep me going. Not like I was even sleepy but like I said, habit.

Swung by Walgreen's on the way to work, which really isn't on the way as I've gotta walk a couple blocks farther, and bought 10 pounds of candy. It's a thing, will detail later in another post, but I fill a Jack o'Lantern of sweets for my floor every day of October. But a bunch in the beginning of the week and refill the plastic pumpkin each day as I start my shift from the sacred bag of sweets.

Did have some of that but only as I was on low ebb and I find Smarties are almost as effective as coffee. For lunch I had a bag of Doritos Cooler Ranch, which I shared with a pigeon that had a club foot; poor widdle fwying vermin.

On the way out I had a rough plan of picking up food on the way. Instead of hitting the Quizno's that's just up the way from my local station I'd hit the one closer to my house. Didn't feel like waiting for the bus so hoofed it home, which was tricky as I had comics the extra candy on me (heavy is the burden upon me) and limped my way home. Swung by Ernie's Liquors on the way as I've not bought porn in about 2 months...

...and wound up purchasing $98.13 worth.

Sex addict and very lonely; don't you judge me!

The Quizno's I was headed for was closed...about 2 hours before they were supposed to be. Cause for some slight concern but I headed off from there as I wanted to get home and collapse a bit, and take a little jaunt to de happy place, before Heroes came on.

Weirder still...I'm not hungry. Not sure why. Total, I didn't have as much as equalling a full meal by the least of my standards. Can't figure that.

Going to sleep and praying for rain, can't dance so will do sleep rolling, for Southern California. Another lil' oddity, I'm worried about someone that I only learned lived there fairly recently.
Tassy·Pink's a native of San Diego now, is in the process of moving. I suppose there's a slight hope she might not actually be there at the moment but I'm not sure. Hope she stays somewhere wet if she is down there...less chance o' getting singed.

I know i know other people in that general locale but I'm blanking on exactly who. People I've actually met while, so far as i know, she and I have never actually been in line of sight.

All around bizarre Monday.

porn, food, tassypink, breakfast, work

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