here's how thing's have been going

May 27, 2006 10:49

CJ never showed up so no idea what happened with her.
Brand was in the room for all of just shy of 9 hours before he moved in with
Brian and crew but has shown signs of regretting it when
Rachel and Isaac moved in and brought Internet into the room with them. That and she's looking ungodly hot and not wearing much of anything at all which kinda explains his disappointment I suppose.

Kestral came in late and brought a gopher that's staying in our bathtub. Yes, an actual live gopher which she apparently found staggering around in the street and rescued rather than having it get smooshed by traffic; she's releasing him to the while later but untuil then any visit to our bathroom has been interesting.
Kasper &
Al got
Brand's room key and he crashed with us last night but not her for potentially allergic reasons and uncertainties regarding the roommate dynamic.

Been staying with
Raven fairly constantly since we stumbled across each other in the registration line yesterday, she's delicious and fairly goofy which is a nice touch. Granted, I'm struggling not to haul her into every darkened corner or unpopulated elevator because all I want to do is get with de happy naked bouncies as often as possible (which should be interesting to see how she reacts when she reads that) but so far I'm much with de giddiness in general.

That's about it.

She's actually sitting just to my left (internet cafe) giggling at all of my icons.

brand, al, kasper, gopher, rachel, cj, brian, raven

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