a few things of note

Sep 24, 2007 15:02

10:24 PM 9/23/07 · It would seem that the graveyard shift guy's absence from work will extend to yet another week, hence why I'm trying to cover so much with just this one post. My usual "post when I get into work, post before my lunch break, and then post one more time before I headed home"...this does not work as well at night because before I even hit lunch time most people are on their way to bed. Hell, most goths aren't even up by when my last post goes through. So, the policy for now is to cram as much as I can in that little timeframe around 3pm when I punch in. They probably won't all be as topical as this one though.

With any luck this will only be for another week.
  • Those of you that are in my communities, especially those that are in more than one, don't think you're getting off the hook by this. I'll still by multi·posting to them every bloody day. Weekends too depending on how things are going.
  • For the love of the Gods: long ago I came to the conclusion that I can't expect all of my friends to be friends. It's an interesting turn of events that the number of times I had both
    Warlock &
    niveK in my car, when I had a car, and they didn't kill each other was that they were amazed they had a number of similar points of interest to talk on. This is not to say they actually do get along with each other unless I'm around but they can be civil in certain circumstances. That said, the flurry of conflicting comments to my last post Friday were not a problem for me. I'm sorry it happened, sorry that the arguments erupted amongst you all...but it doesn't bother me it happened; which I only mention for the one apology. On the other hand, I do find it interesting that the one time
    Daphny choose to grace my journal with comments, it's been ages since the last time, it had to be in the midst of that.
  • Whoops! When my email was blocked by the folks at work I also lost access to the messaging features on MySpace; oddly I still can get to the messaging services on Tribe. I largely use MySpace to keep in contact with those friends that don't use livejournal much, or at all, and the people that I don't have email addresses for. For the most part, of late, that's just been
    Ella...and we message heavily to the tune of several paragraphs at a shot. Last weekend I sent her a blurb after the wedding and during the week she wrote me back. I got her message back this past weekend but didn't read it fully as I had about 506 emails to go through. Before I left Mom's I'd intended to go back to it but it didn't occur to me till I got on the train I forgot. Now I gotta wait another week and then longer for her reponse.
  • Thought of the Week: I was God's afterthought.
  • Talk about random: I talked to
    Howard on the way home, via de ever brain·cancer rotting cellphone, and he made the oddest request on record. He wants me to be ever vigilant on the odd chance anyone I should know be giving up snowboards or related equipment I should ensure that it falls into my hands. I'm not sure why he made this request of me, I explained to him that to the best of my knowledge no one has ever even brought up snowboarding equipment to me before, but he was adamant. So, I suppose I should be ever vigilant. Woo freaking hoo!
  • Evil grinning emmisaries of spooky DOOM: Apparently they hold a Farmer's Market every Sunday from 9am to 1pm on California Ave. When I last encountered
    Kimmay, who sadly wasn't there this time, she was working a booth for Juror2.net and I saw something I thought Mom would be amused by but it wasn't on an apron. Well, this past Sunday I was going by and their booth was still there and I found that apron. Also spotted something I think
    niveK will like if I can ever get it to him.

daphny, friends, ella, kimmay, howard, juror2.net, mom, myspace, thoughts, graveyard shift, nivek, warlock

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