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LJ·Booty! 7:43 PM 8/28/07 · As I've detailed out in my sex journal, out of necessity, when I say I'm sleeping with someone or that I want to sleep with someone...I actually mean sleep. I am plainspoken enough that when I mean sex I actually say it, that or resort to the numerous silly ways I have for referring to sex (bumping uglies, makin' ze love, the naked watusi). Granted, there is some crossover as I always want to sleep with the women I have de sex with...but that's neither here nor there.
There's quite a few people on my friendslist that fit into the category of wanting to sleep with but I thought I'd detail them out in my own wonky little way here. To keep the list from going on and over the horizon...I'll just keep it to those I've currently got IDtags setup for.
Ares: Can we roast marshmallows and read bedtime stories too?
Anna: we have slept together a number of times and she's wonderful...though her feet have this rather bone chilling quality and she knows how to torture you with them!
Bamfs: Hey, just so long as we can kick that Ray guy outta the bed and fly in some girls from Hooters...we're all over it, man.
Bizarro: Me am standing away from you in business suit.
Borg: Sleep is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
Brand: yeah, I know he's male. yet the time he's slept over at my place have been alright. The only significant difference being is that I get the big cozy bed and he gets a shredded sleeping bag and the floor. This has worked at a number of different places I've lived quite nicely.
Centinela: I'd imagine she'd kick a lot in her sleep, in her shiny black pajamas, mumbling constantly "Damned IMP, I'll get you yet."
CJ: my first thought upon meeting her was that she would be wonderful to be cozied up to for a night.
Corin: of the times that we have slept together it's always been an intensely giggly affair.
Debbie: shortly after we met she pretty much moved me into her place and much sleeping was had. the most comfortable woman in the world...so far. truth to tell, early morning's I liked to slink away from her and just watch her sleep in the dawn's early light.
DKtm: an ideal bedmate I suspect but anytime I let my mind wander to sleeping next to her I always awaken dressed in pink lingerie for some odd reason.
Ella: treading dangerous waters here, trying so hard to not think on anything close to, but the idea is appealing. Ideally, I'd want to be lying face down with her sleeping in the same position but on my back.
Emily: my physical experience of her is one of blending into each other quite nicely; the girl can hug! I'd imagine that would make for a great sleeping situation but if the blending continued into sleep I'd half be afraid of fusion; waking up and wondering where she disappeared to.
Frankie: of the times she crashed over at my place, the first time I lived in Palo Alto, she was great for sleepy conversations but adamant about reamining on her side of the bed.
Gryphon: shrotly after getting to know each other I requested she sleep over at my place to which she agreed. I further requested we both be topless while doing so, which quirked an eyebrow but was also agreed to. as the Fates would have it, she met he who would seem to be her one true love before we ever followed up on this.
Hulk: Hulk not sleep in bed. Hulk smash bed!
IMP: Do you mind horribly if I put the snoring agent's hands in a basin of warm water?
Jenelle: nothing so overt as sharing my bed specifically but I've kinda pictured her crashed out in one of my rooms at a convention before. Asleep she'd be the exact opposite of how she is awake and I'd have to restrain other roommates for strangling her in her sleep due to the abrasive snoring sounds.
Jenny: much as she was to foreplay, sleeping next to her was always Heaven. Nothing inbetween: clothes gone, under blankets, wrapped around each other, snoozing quickly.
Kaci: as with all things involving her, sheer bliss!
Kasper: goofy more than not. Just as soon to be spooned up to me as for me to wake up and wonder why she's gnawing on my head.
Kristen: before I ever had given the matter any thought, a certain someone on her friendslist threatened to kill me if I even so much as thought of trying to sleep with her. I suspect it was not intended in the same sense I use the word sleep.
Mary/Kat: always restless till sleep took her, an absolute dream to be next to and against for the night...and exceptionally talented of consistantly making my right arm fall to sleep, waking with it in the oddest angles.
Marianne: appealing on many levels but I can't help but suspect falling asleep next to a Wonka and waking next to fluffy snot.
Maul: At last we shall reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At least we shall have our slumber party.
Meg: the one time I tried to sleep next to her, without the several hours of frenzied activity beforehand (she'd been over a previous time), it was impossible. She's got some seriously fucked up snoring issues...even going outside to clear my head it was like the ground was shaking!
Michele: we tend to tease the living Hell outta each other and I'm constantly worried about rolling over and smooshing her.
Nikki: I once told her that should we meet I'd rapidly take her to the nearest bed, remove her clothes, and pull her under the covers to sleep. My reasoning being she never seems to have had enough sleep. She conveyed her happiness with this idea.
niveK: of the times he's crashed over I often would have him sleep on a couch in a different room...no particular reason. I'd awaken the next day to find all my roommates love him or suspect he's a failed genetic experiment.
Ponygirl: though very much not my type, the though has percolated in my head more than a few times unbidden. Always leads to being nudged uncomfortably in bad places.
Rachel: beyond a doubt the most perfect bed partner in all existance. She's like a fluffy toy...just not at all fluffy.
Raven: I find it very hard to sleep up against her in only that I'd much rather be awake but just as close.
Sarah: in the happier days that we were often about each other it would've been bliss...provided I could get one of those little Hannibal Lector masks; she's got very sharp teeth and loves to use them!
Suzi: a little bit before she moved to Seattle, earlier part of this year, she needed a place to crash during the move and popped up on my doorstep. Not a huge cuddler but welcome in my bed anytime.
Sylvan: were I ever to share a bed with this cuddly man mountain I'd probably wish something similar to the
Ella situation...but if you think I'm gonna be on the bottom you're crazy!
Tassy·Pink: one of many women people are often shocked to find I've never thought of having sex with...sleeping next to her would be cool. Distressingly, everytime I imagine this it always ends with me waking up to pug butt; her dog lee.loo sitting on my head.
Tina: during a stretch I was crashing at a place she was sharing, the basic concept came up a few times in conversation with
Warlock; apparently she's a very restless sleeper. I had thought it might be less an issue with me, though I never gave specific thought to actually doing so, as a lot of restless types tend to totally melt next to me. Not really sure why.
Violet: I've wanted to sleep with her since a little before we were introduced, moreso since getting to know her. My thoughts on it would be amazing, such a naturally cuddly looking creature. The downside is I'm fairly sure she'd smother me in my sleep and hide the body. Still, before the loss of life I'd be ever so happy.
Yresim: not one time in a bed, we've slept together on various couches, chairs, and floors. somehow she'd always be on top and I'd often be drowning in hair.