Aug 20, 2007 05:32
As a rule I normally can't post this early as I've no internet at home. The only reason I'm getting away with it now is that I spent the night at Mom's place. Coincidentally this has brought on a tiny bit of panic due to only having one of my alarm systems on me, as opposed to the 4 sets I have at home. Granted, the one I have with me, being my PalmOne 72 Zire, has 3 active alarms set over the course of 2 hours...
...but this does no one any good when the speaker attachment is not plugged in. It was before I went to sleep but when I woke up, thanks only to the fact the screen lights up when it goes off, it was unplugged. Even though I am up it took the third time it was to go off to get me up.
I'm at a loss to explain this. There's really only two other possibilities other than my own sleepy self doing the unplugging. Either Mom or Sister came in and unplugged it due to the noise of the 1st alarm, without waking me up as well, or we have gremlins.
Godz, I hope we don't have gremlins.
Yes, I really do believe in gremlins...though obviously not the movie type.
Anyways, I'm up and showered now and Sister, who's still in bed, is annoyed with me for trying to wake her up. In my panic of waking a full hour after I'd intended to be up...I may've panicked just a tad. I forgot the train I needed to take wasn't for another hour when I tried to wake her.
Additive: only thing that could add to my unease with how this day started is if I got to work and discovered that they've finally gotten around to blocking LJ. I've got about 3 posts setup for today. If you don't see any after this one...that's why.