in my life I've done many stupid things...

Jul 20, 2007 11:37

...let's just toss this onto the list.

10:10 PM 7/19/07 · The idea kinda hit me shortly after finding her journal and it's only been put off so long due to my coming up with reasons not to. If they'd actually been good reasons I'd not be here this special little place doing this truly not intelligent thing.

Being that I'm adding
Debbie to my friendslist.

Truthfully, I highly doubt she'll add me back. Not even sure why I'm doing it as her entire journal is friends only as it is and it's not like I can see anything anyway. The timing's odd too in that I was just deciding to remove some people I already have on my friendslist because their journals have me blocked from making comments:
Katie, & whatever Dorie's journal currently is; honestly can't remember right now. They've been on my friendslist all for over, or about, a year but I either lost access to them or didn't have it to begin with. Not even that close to them, though a couple I was once upon a time, but I did like reading how their lives were going from time to time regardless of whether or not I could toss my 2¢ in now and again.


She's the One.

Or was once upon a time.

It's an odd thing to be denied contact from someone you were so deeply in love with once upon a time, who loved you as equally and fiercely. For that same person to just one day, out of the blue, decide she no longer loves you is beyond wrong. Worse still, someone who tells you that you could never be dead to them do an amazing impersonation of that very state of being just seems all kinds of wonky.

The last time I crossed paths with
Monica, 2 years back at the Folsom Street Faire, she was on the phone with her and at my pressing to say I said "Hi", which I'll do with anyone on a phone whether I know them or not, she turned the phone so both our ears were on the receiver. What I heard was "He just never knows when to quit".

There's been some other stuff since our parting and one truly asinine/warped thing from Ant...but all aside she's still in my head. Couple other parts of me too. I don't think on her everyday, sometime she's not even near my conciousness for a couple months, but she's never quite apart from me entirely.

S'why I never take this bloody ring off...

...well, one of the reasons anyway.

I have never known how to make someone absent from my heart. An abberration in male development that so many others seem to have that I decidedly lack.

Thus, added to my friendslist she shall go. Doubt anything will come of it but oh well.

It won't be the first stupid thing I've done impulsively.

Most likely won't be the last either.

folsom street faire, j9, gary, debbie, baycon, monica, katie, dorie

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