Every so often I mention some friend of mine does something so seemingly out of character that it takes me off guard and really hurts? Well, while I have noted the occasional negative commentary from
J9 in a few of the snark comms and in a friends journal back in 2004...she's usually always treated me fine in person. I've never understood the two·faced thing...cuz if I've got issues with someone I've got them as much in person as in any other format.
J9's kinda got this whole motherly quality to her, came up with the nickname "Rainman" as a variation of my full first name, least I've always assumed that was the reason. She's always been sweet and goofy and nurturing when I've been around her.
Yesterday, as many of you no doubt noted, I posted a lil' advert for BayCon cuz even though I'm not going I still want it to have a great turnover in fans and newbies. Anyway, only one community really lodged much in the way of complaints for it, which isn't to say that one other didn't just delete it outright, but I altered it there when the mod requested I do so. So, I was more than a bit surprised to see 3 responses from
J9 on that post today but only this following one is of any note to me:
trust me you're not the only one who wishes he wouldn't do this. we've tried to get him banned many times from posting to different communities...if the mod is looking...please ban him from this one if only for the fact that he's damn annoying with his animated gifs that cause issues for dial up users
Guess you can't tell with some people.
Like I'm the only person on livejournal that xposts stuff. Hey, Kettle...Pot's calling!