...on many levels.
11:28 AM 12/2/06 · One of the big reasons I started hanging out with Missy was to have ze sex with her. We were already pretty tight, from hanging around Rocky and various places to eat but I wanted more. The thing of it was that she had something of a reputation for being really easy and really good and that appealed to me.
In that I know very few people easier than me and her legendary skills had the appeal of possibly getting beyond my little problem.
For any number of reasons we never had ze sex...though I happily gave her a number of full body massages. It wasn't that the rumor of her being easy was wrong, exactly, so much as it was highly prejudiced. Similar to a former snuggly of mine name of Raymi, Missy had a habit of going after who she wanted and she didn't much care if that person was already attached or not. She seemed to particularly favor guys that had girlfriends if only to see if she could have them and she had a particular fancy for virgins...
...which is me wandering a bit off topic but not so very far.
Why we never did the dance of the beast with two backs may be attributed to a number of reasons from her plain not wanting to or the fact I was very subtle back then; I've since come to the belief that subtlety is highly overrated. Although we never had ze sex there was a very nice compensation for it by the fact she kept arranging for her friends to jump my bones on a fairly regular basis. I never asked for this and am not entirely sure why she started doing it.
Then again, I'm hardly complaining.
Before she left town, a hubby and tinies in tow, she decided to cut ties with me by kicking up a massive bit of drama involving two friends of mine and started a massive amount of Hell for me that was based in a falsehood. This was another thing about her that I'd always known but had never had directed at me so hadn't much cared; that girl can start a smear campaign like nobody's business! Even though it took me months to clear that mess up, convince people I never thought I'd have to convinve of anything how they'd been led astray, I still hung out with Missy and her hubby one more time before they were gone.
Mainly it was just to figure out, straight from the horse's mouth (as the saying goes), why she'd felt the need to do it in the first place.
Never got a clear answer.
I've had sporadic contact with her since, usually not of my doing. When I first got an LJ account back in 2003 (
dopple) I had posted a kind of opinion poll as to whether or not I should do a Missy post. Y'know, to vent any or all angst I might still have for her, to further get it out of my system. I had a very small friendslist at the time and given that Missy emailed me literally a day after this post, seeing as we'd had no contact for a smidge over 5 years, I'm pretty sure I know who it was that had passed the news along to her. Not that it much matters. The mail was to stop me from posting and, despite what you might think, the above is not that vent.
There's been other little things along those lines, nice little propoganda bit on how she's changed and how my posting such would somehow sully her current reputation even though she lives very very far away. I think the reason she felt the need to do so was cuz I wa kinda one of those she let in very close and I, as they say, know where all the bodies are buried.
Though really the posts would be for my benefit and had nothing to do with slamming her. I'd've posted them just the same even if no one was on my friendslist...
...but I didn't. I may someday or never.
This particular post was inspired by my portable photo album. Regardless of my current relationship with certain folks, those that have ever been friends to some degree or other I catalog in an album on my PDA. I've got a shot of her in there as we were good friends once and whenever I go through the thing I go through them all.
From my look through after waking up...I just couldn't not write this.