11:46 AM 11/20/06 · Spent this last weekend with Mom and she asked me who I might like to invite over Friday for my birthday cake. She actually had just 2 in mind,
Anna &
niveK, but after some chatter I managed to extend that to 4. My initial fillers were
Keith &
Gryphon but since he bowed out I find myself with an opening.
I have two alternates that I've not heard back from as yet:
Rachel &
Howard. Kinda unlikely in both cases, one for living far away and the other only just moved back into the area. Still, that's not so bad when you think about it...
...more cake for me!
10:08 AM 11/22/06 · There's been some developments since I wrote this, which kinda suck but that just means even more cake for me!
Anna, who I was originally led to believe to be unable to attend, actually gets off work in plenty of time so she may be having cake. -
niveK has a half hour window, which is plenty of time for a slice or two, but is concerned he'd miss wrestling. The fact anyone would be more concerned over something on the boob tube over something so delicious is beyond me...and I'm a television addict! -
Keith can't go because he's got a work function, party that only the elite of his workplace even get invites to...so he's definitely not gonna miss that. He sends his best to my family though. -
Gryphon hasn't gotten back to the 2 voicemails I've left but I may've thrown her off the scent of good cake when I called one time after work at dangerously close to 1am. Although, as guilty as I am, she does sound amazingly like a kitten when she's hardly concious. -
Rachel also got a voicemail and shortly after that she posted her current life/work schedule. Truthfully she was an alternate given her distance from where the cake will be.
Howard got an invite along with birthday wishes, he's older now, but as that was only yesterday...I haven't heard from him yet.
On the plus side,
niveK has offered to take me to go see Happy Feet the following day.