off the internet at home for awhile

Jul 01, 2015 07:05

About 50% of the time nowadays, my computer looks like this:

My graphics card is Nvidia, and the nv4_disp.dll up and died on me. I've tried replacing it a number of times, but it's not so much the new version doesn't take as the old one won't go away. The advice is you rename the old version to a backup and then copy the new one into the same directory. Then you pop into DOS-Prompt and type "regsvr32 nv4_disp.dll" and you're good.

Problem is the sickly version keeps generating a new one before I can copy the healthy one in. Sometimes it asks if I want to overwrite it, which I do, but the new one isn't getting in there (old one's dated 2013, new one's 2014) as the date of the file won't change.

That shot above is just before things go bad. Right now I can see clearly but that's only because I'm not doing anything to tweak the graphics at all; LJ is pretty low-key compared to most of the internet. Even popping on Facebook for more than a few minutes can crash my computer now.

Crashes vary in that my system basically locks up. It freezes a bunch already, monitor goes white screen, and then pops back up in about 10 seconds with not as much functionality or still frozen; this can repeat a few times over any given minute.

White screen is my monitor won't turn off, and when the system does a mini-crash the monitor thinks the computer's off a few seconds. Monitor won't turn off when it's plugged in and something in the screen is busted so instead of going dark it flares bright white. This isn't new, been a thing for over a year; Mike advised me to unplug the monitor when I wanted it off, which worked okay for awhile but eventually, after multiple unpluggings and re-pluggings, the cable became less aware it was plugged in.

Last time I had to seriously jam it in there, and it's just been simpler to have the screensaver on darker displays than bother with trying to turn it off.

Mike gave me simple instructions to fix my current problem but it didn't take. Really need to get him here to take a crack at it, or take it with him and bring it back later. Either way, I'm just gonna have to try and stop using the internet altogether for a fair stretch because this limited capability thang ain't doing much more than stressing me out.

Hell, I didn't have the internet at home for over a decade prior to 2011... although, back then, I at least had a functional computer to work with.

This is gonna be a whole other level of aggravating.

Trying to not pester Mike, letting my desperation poke at him constantly. I may drop him an update to how bad it is soonish, but I'm trying to hold off until after the 4th of July.

computers, technical difficulties

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