...which means I'm home, not going out, looking at the mess my tiny home is and not cleaning it, and more or less naked minus the most comfortable robe in the world.
4:26 PM 9/23/06 · This is what I'm forced to do because I'm infectious and I've got cold flashes and I'm sweating.
Minus the sickness...this is remarkably how I usually spend most weekends.
1:16 PM 9/24/06 · Just got a phone call from
niveK, he was wondering if I was going to the Fair this morning but I told him I was sick; man never checks his friendslist. Not that he had any desire to go but because he was hoping if he brought me there and back I'd give him gas money.
Which I would but that wasn't happening. I've got the heater at about 90 or so, no numbers, and I'm still cold. Not sure last night was such a good idea as it was on a higher setting when I turned it on so I was quite hot...beyond the internal heat of my freezing fever. It was very cold when I got up, which made it even colder to me and I forgot one of my usual sick protocols so I was naked. Took me 3 hours after I was awake to get up to make a staggering rush to the heater, turn it on, and then get back under the covers.
You would not believe the spelling errors I keep catching while I'm typing this. It's as though my center of gravity is wavering all over the place so I'm hitting the wrong keys. Least it's consistant: I'll hit a couple dozen the wrong way and then the other in perfect symmetry.
Then there's the hallucination aspect. I watched some TV and then turned it to a blue screen and then had a long argument with that screen because I had seen it wink at me and I knew it was plotting something. Have since turned it off, which is good...so long as it doesn't turn itself back on.
Woke up today around 9:13am, before my alarm was set to go off (never turn them off). Over an hour later I noticed the alarm hadn't gone off so doublechecked my watch. Apparently the first time I'd been checking the watch inside that I can only see when I'm dreaming. Usually it keeps better time.
As of today I cannot maintain an erection which is not happy news. I can get one but it doesn't hangout with me, shoot the breeze, morning noon & night like usual. I had made a little promise to myself not to engage in any singular sexual relase this week (ooooh, terms) as all my fluids are needed to get me better. Still, this particular side effect of my illness is not making me happy.
Then again, I'm not sure right now I even know what sex is...beyond the word. They've got something to do with each other, right?
Despite the warnings,
niveK is coming up to take me shopping as I'm low on make me feel better foods...is it starve a fever and feed a cold or the other way around? For gas money, sure, but he's genuinely worried about me. Much later in the day, probably after the sun goes down. That'll be fun...if I can walk.
Y'know what I woke up with this morning? Spike, from Buffy, in a variation of that episode where they were trying to deactivate his trigger that the First had given him. Don't remember most of it but Spike said: No bloody way are you putting me in giant robot armor and making me sell women's hair products.
6:34 PM 9/24/06 · A couple hours back, I think, I got back.
niveK showed up with
Suzi, which was a happy surprise, though less so when I got home and discovered she'd accidentally smashed the lock on my door when she knocked/slammed announced their arrival. We hit Safeway, I shopped, they got pizza, gave him $20 in gas money, I came home, had landlord fix the door, and that was that. It was especially nice as I got to recycle a ton of porn
niveK's way which made him happy.
Suzi was looking good herself, tight top amply displaying that chest always trying to burst free...which given my condition didn't hardly register on me; nice to see though.
Inside, kicking back and zoning, I had another waking dream...not to be confused with daydreaming. Some superhero hurt her leg and I was interviewing supervillains to patch her up. Waking dreams, which I only have when I'm feverish, usually superimpose themselves over what I'm looking at so I see both. It's very weird.
3:29 AM 9/25/06 · Return of the random erection! Yes friends, back from it's sudden and surprising world tour it made an appearance at my place tonight! Okay, technically it was this morning but if I'm going to say it like that I'm going to sound like a groupie.
I'm not a groupie!
Last night was the worst I've been through but I'm hoping that's a good sign. Nothing so bad and it seems my hallucinations have gone bye bye, we'll see as the day goes by, but I drenched all of my bedsheets and the sleeping bag I put down to save the mattress (thank you sight!) but that seems to have stopped now that I'm awake. Course, this could just be part of the healing process, the immune system is at its strongest when the body is unconcious. I may be much the same again tonight.
Feels like I sweated my entire body weight plus some.
9:58 AM 9/25/06 · I have, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the absolutely worst taste in my mouth. Nothing can compare with the dry sandpapery harshness of it. Kind of has a sticky gooey thing going on in the corners. It's really bad!
5:12 PM 9/25/06 · Other than getting better...at least one good thing came from this. I finally cleaned my bed off. Unfortunately, all that mess is on the floor in front of my bed and it's gonna take awhile to sort through it. It's literally 4 feet across & 2½ feet tall...which is hardly any wonder I call it nesting.
At least the bed is clean. Well, more clear than clean....clean will take time and less sick time and some scrubbing and washing. It is nice to fully stretch out again though.
5:59 PM 9/25/06 · Y'know, as much healthier as I'm feeling I think I just had a downward spiral there. Not from inside but out; went into the main house to take a shower...all the sweating I've been doing it seemed right to do as I'm planning on going to work tomorrow. It's just that one of my "roommates" apparently hangs his dirty socks in the shower.
Who does that? Couldn't leave them in there while I bathed so I moved them...
8:28 AM 9/26/2006 · At work and kinda regretting it already. Probably have a lot of mail to catch up on and stuff but give me time and I'll get back to you. Nobody's here yet and there's a lot to do.