
Oct 27, 2004 18:42

After recent events in the land of Wales, we now have a cat. We've wanted a cat for a while, and now we have Zappa, the cat we looked after last Christmas. He's a fairly large and fairly fluffy tom, with a grey stripey coat potentially labelled 'blue'. He's also caught us a mouse already, and this is his third day here. Admittedly it was presented as a bribe for early dinner, but I don't mind - if he wants more food, presenting us with dead mice is a perfectly fine way for him to go about getting it.

Yes, we have mice. We live in the country, it's only to be expected. Last year we had voles.

Either way, Zappa seems to be adjusting to his new home. I've missed having a cat on my lap while typing, twining around my ankles while I'm going downstairs and dozing on the end of the bed while I sleep.
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