Another update

Jan 26, 2004 00:47

Well, it's been a while, but now I'm on the computer I should be on for a while. It's not borrowed, it's not being cared for while its owner moves house, and it has a little more oomph than my last. Things are looking up.

Started the Atkins diet on Friday. Started the sugar-withdrawal shakes today. I was expecting this, so I'm not worried. Should be over by tomorrow evening, with any luck - my metabolism is good for some things. This diet rocks - as much dead animal, egg and cheese as I want. This is my sort of diet. :)

Other than that, we're going to start battening down the hatches on Monday. There's a severe weather warning due to hit and hit hard on about Wednesday, and we need to be prepared where we are. Getting snowed in around here is not just a pipe dream. Still, I might be able to find enough pairs of socks to make the spare snowboard fit, if I'm lucky and it does snow as badly as has been forecasted. :)

Other than that, life goes on. Various different characters in various different places, as usual, all doing their own various different things. Found out something about the MET LARP system that makes Werewolf LARP one hell of a lot less appealing, and why it is that way, which *really* doesn't surprise me given the amount of shit I've seen reported on SWOFA before now. I should run a Werewolf tabletop game at some point, just to say that I didn't just get that huge wad of books for playing online.

Keeping fit starts again when the shakes stop. Can't wait. :)
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