Mar 01, 2004 17:02
Today was indeed an interesting day. I arrived at school felling good knowing I was to see Brittany after school, because I did not have soccer practice, and she gets out at 2 on mondays and fridays. So I get out of my car to get my stuff and Feifei asked me what was wrong. I got really confused, and tried to tell her I was fine. But she inesisted something was wrong, and that she had never seen me like that. I think I was not sad, I was just in such a state of happiness that I was just reflecting on the great weekend I had. I guess I was just out of place. I then realized that my calculator was not in my school bag, but in my room, on top of my VCR, in my bag that I took to Science Olympiad. So that imediatetly made me feel a bit of remorse. I deffinitely remember while unpacking my Xbox thinking, "I better put my calculator in my bag now, or I will forget." Half an hour of Soul Calibur II later, I had forgotten. I then got into physics realizing I had not agian looked at some problems he wanted me to do. Then I felt dumb because he made me do a lab with Shazia and Adeeb, and I had completely forgotten how to do the problems. I hate friction by the way. And this reminded me of how Joe Doe and I sucked at Physics Lab and got 6th, which was not cool at all. :\ So then Adeeb told me I should start writting stuff down, I realized my pencil was still out of lead, as it was thursday and friday, and my pen Ms. Kribbs gave me was still gone from when I left it in Mr. Copelands class on Wednesday. My other pen was still in the hands of an incompetent person whom I let borrow it in my German I class. So I had to borrow Adeebs pencil for first and second period. Then I ate some chips out of my lunch, as is custom on A days. I went in search of my goldfish which always follow the consumtion of the chips, and, they must have been with my lead and my pen, because they too were missing from my bookbag. Note: For four years I have eaten the same lunch in the same order, so this is a very devastating event to me. So I got thirsty, because that is what happend when you eat something such as chips. So I reached for my Nalgene bottle, only to realize that it was in my car. For the top had been shattered on thursday when I attempted to hit a bird with it while it was full of water. While I missed the bird, I did manage to hit the brick wall behind him shattering the cap to my bottle into about three or four pieces. This was all rather humorouse until about five minutes later when I was dying of thirst. So at lunch I drank out of Marshal's Nalgene bottle, and while he was gone I drank about half of it. Realizing then that he does not like school water I felt pretty bad. He was not to mad about it though, and I noticed he had some water left in the parking lot, so he did not seem to miss what I had taken. Then I had to fill out my comunity service papers and turn that in, so I had to borrow Aaron's pen to do that. Fourth period Jono and I had to grade fourteen papers each, and that was hell, took all freaking class period. So then after school, I took Dean home and helped him with his Calculus test a bit. He lost his lisence to his parents because he was speeding. Hopefully he will be able to convince them to give it back soon though. I will not be able to take him home any more for the rest of the week because I have soccer. Then I went over to Brittany's house and had a great time hanging out with her. Then when I was just about to go, we heard a knock at the door. We were both über scared that it was her mother comming home early, but it turns out it was only a mexican putting tape over the door frame. [They are getting their siding painted.] So that filled me with extreme amounts of relief. And now I am home, and I just wrote a hell of a lot here. I recomend that you do not read this all, for it is just a waste of your time. Though...if you read this have more than likely read the rest. hehe. But yeah, so my day was not bad I would not say. But it was not the best. It was...a weird day.