Bush.... Is He Capable of Anything

Apr 13, 2004 20:10

Hi ya all, that whole bush press conference speech was a bunch of bullcrap i think. He wouldnt answer any of the reporters questions, and you could tell that they were getting aggravated with it. I mean they had to build on top of eachothers questions so that he could "understand the question".. newho.. like i said he didnt even answer their questions... for example when one of the lady journalists asked "do you feel that you hold any responsibility in what happened on september 11th" and he says "well.. like i said earlier.. we werent on the war foot there, and they were fighting a war against us :ughuh ughuh:" ... i was sitting there and im like .. are you kidding me.. that has nothign to do with the question.. and another question was "what do you think your biggest regret has been in your presidency" (it was in regards to his comment on regretting trading a baselball player or something like that in the 2000 election) ... and hes like "well i wish you couldve told me that you were going to ask that before the speech so i couldve prepared for it"... i was thinking.. god cant you think on your feet.. havent you heard these questions long enough to spit out answers... gosh hes such a twit!.. yeah.. i have alot more imput on it... so if u guys wanna talk.. just AIM me at Gotmilkguyfh .... i could rant and rave all day :) ... ttyl.
haha by the way i think im going to find the official transcript so i could just pot all of his dimwitty comments.. and maybe make a chart of how many times he said the same sentences lol! TTYL YA ALL!
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