The Lost Posts- Volume Two

Jul 07, 2006 17:26

I’m writing this post on Word on my way to Hannover. The lack of free wireless Internet in this country is incredibly frustrating. In North America many public places are wired for wireless access (if that’s ever possible- wire for wireless?). I would have thought Europe would have been a leader in wireless hotspots, but no. Where there are hotspots I am required to pay T-Mobile for the privilege of being a citizen of the 21st centaury. It’s weird, like paying to use the bathroom in the public areas. I’d pee on the wall if you’d let me, but instead you make me pay.
I’m heading into back Hannover to stay with two girls in the suburbs. One is a girl who invited me to stay through and the other is an old friend from my Switzerland days. The original plan was two nights with each, but neither could host the 4th and 5th so I stayed in Munich and will spend one night with each before heading to Berlin on the morning of the 8th.
I’m nervous about this part of the trip. I simply don’t know the girl from and while she is probably not a serial killer…who knows? And why did she invite me in the first place? Does she like hosting out of the kindness of her heart? Does she want to sleep with me? Kill me? I hope it the first one and not the last two, because I’m simply not interested in those. I also haven’t seen Felicitas in three years. Three years! Perhaps you remember, but I look nothing like I did three years ago. It’s only a night each though and it should be fun. At least it’s a free bed for two nights.
After Suburban Hannover I head to Berlin for three nights and then begin what I’ve been thinking of as “The Right Hook” of my trip. For 12 days I’ll be in Copenhagen, Budapest, Vienna, and Salzburg. I may shorten Salzburg down and go to Bergtesgarten or spend an extra day somewhere. The weird thing is that when I think about this section of the trip I think “its only twelve days.” I’ve only been in Europe for-

(While writing that last sentence I felt my contact coming loose and ran to take care of it. This was not a normal thing though because two days ago I lost a contact in my eye. It happens. It shifts and is uncomfortable for a while but you blink it or work it back in place and then its fine. Well this one didn’t work that way. I think it worked it self to the top of my eyeball and just sat there. I couldn’t find. Other people couldn’t find. Maybe it fell out, but I FELT something in there. My eye felt big. However it was so lost that it didn’t bother me much and even allowed me to wear a new set (it was time to change them anyway). I was getting worried about the whole thing. Something like that could cause an infection, but as I was writing that sentence I felt it come loose and took it out of my eye. The contact was gunky and I’ll have to keep and eye (no pun intended) on it over the next few days, but at least I don’t have to explain it to a doctor.)

- 14 days, but everything seems so much closer than it did a week ago. A month from today I meet the family in Paris, but it feels like a week. Time is going fast all around me and I’m very happy about that. I feel good, I have a plan, and I’m enjoying myself. I’m still lonely, but instead of feeling simply alone, I feel alone in Europe and that is a much better feeling. I still everyone terribly. Maizie occupies my thoughts constantly, distracting me and causing me to walk into things, but I’m ok. I just wish she were here to share it with me. Do I miss her more because I love her? Or do I love her more because I miss her? Both? I used to think the guy who said “absence makes the heart grow fonder” was full of it, but in this case he was smash on. I love her more now then when I left. Of course this leaves me in a vulnerable position for my insecurities to creep in. Will she still love me in a few months? I have faith and I do not doubt her one bit, but these are my insecurities talking and they can say some mean stuff.
Another insecurity is - am I over doing the emails and “I love you”s. I’m not sending 8 a day, more like one every two days, but is that even too much. I don’t think so, but I don’t want to over do it, do too much and smother Maizie. But I want to keep sending those emails and postcards. She’s my connection to home, keep me grounded, and I love her and want her to know that. I’m sure its fine. I’m just insecure.
Enough of the wimpy stuff let me tell you about the last two days. With Germany’s loss to Italy in the semi-final and France winning last night it sets up the lamest Final ever. Two teams I hate have a chance to win. It sucks. The Italians are massive cheats, taking dives and pretending every little contact ruptured their spleen. Screw you Italy. France is, of course, France and while I’m not a freedom fries type moron I still don’t like France. Just don’t. Been there, don’t like it. My prediction is Italy winning 1-0 in overtime. I pick that because I hate France less than the Italians, so Italy will win and I can’t escape overtime games in this Cup.
Germany’s overtime loss was simply brutal. I watched it in the best Biergarten in Munich, the Augustiner Keller. It’s the oldest and the beer is simply spectacular. It’s better than an Augustiner anywhere else in the city. The beer is stored in wooded barrels under the garden and its awesome. Oh it was so tasty.
Yesterday I took a walking tour of the city and then wandered around, tried to go to the Bier and Oktoberfest Museum, failed, and wandered down to the Deutshes Museum and discovered the greatest museum ever! It’s a technical museum full of engines and model ships, airplanes and a U-Boat. They have tons of tools and steam engines and pure awesomeness abounding out of that place. Dad would run around yelling, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” and if Lew went with him they would suffer a Fun Stroke. I was there about four hours until they closed it on me a five. I didn’t even get the see the airplanes, but they have a ME-109, an ME-262, a Junkers, a Starfighter and so much more. It’s awesome! I love that place.
Dinner rocked yesterday too. I went to the nice market by the city center (A little expensive, but I knew where it was) and bought a big fresh pretzel, 100 grams of this spread/dip stuff made of runny Camembert, butter, and spices, and ½ a Kilo of Cherries. I took all that and made my way (via a very crowded U-Bahn, people going to the game) to the English Garden Park (one of the largest urban parks in the world) and to the Chinese Tower Biergarten. Its this huge beer garden in front a fake Chinese pagoda, one of those places that everyone says you need to see. I got myself a Mass (big mug) of Helles Hofbrau and sat under the trees drinking my beer, listening to the Oomph Band, and eating my dinner. It was wonderful. Why the cherries? I don’t know, but I’ve been getting little fruit on this trip and I don’t want to get scurvy or something and cherries just looked tasty. I couldn’t buy apples or pears or peaches buy the single so I went with cherries. They were tasty and I ate all of them. And the cheese/dip/spread stuff? Awesome. Greatest dinner ever, even if a ½ Kilo of cherries gave me a little stinky gas. Think a bunch of dried apricots, but not the whole box. That. Fun really.
From there I went to Schloss Nyphemburg, just down the road from The Tent. Big estate, beautiful gardens, and a min-60s Mustang that was plain gorgeous. Standard transmission and American gauges. Oooooooo.
I was going to watch the game at another Biergarten I heard about, another famous one, but I really didn’t feel like spending the money so I went back to The Tent, bought a coke (my first in awhile. I almost never drink it, but I wasn’t feeling another beer. I can hear your shock from here.), had a nice conversation with a girl who was on my tour, and watched most of the game. I also wrote new postcards (which I’ll post from Hannover, I had to run for this train.), dumped my photos into the computer, and did my best to post to live journal, but the internet connection was dodgy, so I didn’t bother. France beat Portugal 1-0 on a Zidane penalty kick it the 33rd minute.
How are the Orioles doing?
My power pack just went off, and then back on. Weird. I hope its ok.
I’ve been thinking about the photos. I’ve taken a lot of them already, 499 of them to be exact, and that is a lot to put online. Can I even put that many online? Can Flickr or Webshots even handle that? A lot of them are probably crap too, I don’t know. Should I just get some disks, burn and send them? Create a Best Of? Thoughts?
There is a family right next to me with two little kids, maybe 5 and 3, that are really cute. The mom looks like Julie Mader too. An American family behind me with two cute kids too, but I understand what they’re saying, s they are quite as cute. As soon as they turn 8 I’ll probably hate them.
Mom better buy Dramamine in bulk if she wants to ride these trains.
I’ve run out of things to say really.
I love and miss you all,

PS. See you in exactly one month Family.

7-6-06 12:32
After signing off and putting my computer away I took out the ipod and it has been wiped or something. I got some sort of message, plugged it into the computer and it wasn’t recognized. When I unplugged it the menu can up, after a long pause the menu came up and all my music is gone. GONE! FUCKING GONE! What happened? I had to unplug it when the do not unplug was up because if itunes doesn’t recognize it you can’t eject it properly. That shouldn’t have wiped it any way. The capacity still says 5 gigs left, meaning music is on there somewhere, but what happened?
If the music really is gone its not the end of the world. I’ve barely been using it and I have 3 gigs of tunes on the computer, but a lot of that stuff was from friends and I don’t have my hard copies with me and what about Maizie’s mix? Those tracks help me think of her and if they’re gone…shit. I’ll go to a Apple store soon and say fix it and if they can’t they better give me 10,000 songs from itunes or I’ll pull a rant that would put Steve Martin in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles to shame. This sucks.

7-6-06 19:19
This just isn’t my day. I’m writing this from the town of Uelzen which I think is between Hannover and Bremen, but I really have no clue. Why I’m writing from here will come soon. So first of my host doesn’t live in Soltau, or at least isn’t there now. Maybe she told me, maybe it’s my mistake, but either way, it’s a setback. So I’m told where she is and how to get there and I take off that way. I get here to Uelzen, my last stop before I get to my destination, less than 10 minutes from my destination and I miss the train. I’m eight minutes from my destination and I miss it. Of could I? you ask. Well they switched the track numbers and I didn’t notice until it was too late and now I have to wait until 8 for the next train. I called and told her how I’d be late and suggested she drive out for me since it is so close. I guess she has no car, but I swear one was implied. Shit. It wouldn’t be so bad, but I finished my book and the ipod is messed up. Goddammit.
One thing I’ve notice are deer stands everywhere. Box stands on towers on the edges of fields. They may be bird watching towers, but I don’t think so. Do they shoot that close to the tracks?
Why do they use Benzes as taxis here? It seems a little much.
I’m getting a decent dinner with my host when I get there. I don’t have much of an appetite at the moment, I’m too pissed, but I will soon enough. What I need are a few beers and some conversation. If I’m calm enough it may be in German, I don’t speak too well when I’m frustrated.
Listening to Keller covering ‘Eyes of the World’ right now. Lesh plays the Tweeter it ten days. I ran into some kids seeing Roger Waters in Venice. Bastards. I have to look up when Clapton plays Budapest. I also have to work out hostels and train times. I’ll probably stay in hostels during the right hook. Mom will be pleased.
Its times like these when I miss Maizie the most. No distractions, just thoughts of her. Do I mention her too much?
Lets hope this day all works out in the end.
I miss and love all of you,

7-7-06 9:20am
Last night worked out ok in the end. I got to Bad Bevensen on the next train and met my host there. We then ate a nice dinner at a little Italian place. Over her objections I paid, its polite. She lets me stay so I pick up the tab. Her share was nine euro, less than a hostel. She has a nice place with a nice roommate and we all just hung out until it got dark in the room and they went to bed. I dozed off during a German comedy program’s poker tournament. They apparently have something against turning on lights, so when it’s dark they hit the hay. I like the system in summer, but what about winter? It must get dark around here at 3pm.
I slept pretty well on a cot, but kept waking up in the morning. I got up and found a note asking to hang around until noon so she could take be to the station and say goodbye. There is something about the way my host writes. When we’re face to face I get no vibe of interest from her, good, but when she writes it’s all over. Odd.
After I leave my host I’m heading over to Braunschweig to visit Felicitas for the night. It will be nice to see and old friend.
I figured out the best way to get between major cities on my right hook. Its best to arrive at a hostel early in the day to get a bed, but how do I do it if I leave the last city in the morning? Don’t leave in the morning! Check out, put my stuff in a locker and roam the city more. Take the night train, sleep on the train, and not pay for a hostel. Take the night train and arrive nice and early at the hostel, get your bed, shower, and go explore. Now granted, I’ll probably have reservations if I can get them, but even so, why pay that one night? You lose money and time in transit. I only have 12 days (I now thinking in terms of only!) on my Right Hook. Got to be efficient.
Well, I’m going to get some breakfast, shave, and figure out this damned television.
I love and miss you all very much,

7-7-06 5:02
I never figured out the damned television.
The train to Braunschweig was without problems and Felictitas met me at station. She didn’t recognize me of course, but was excited to see me and talked way too fast in German so I didn’t catch a word of it. She’s a student at the Technical University here, mechanical engineering and economics. She going to stay at a friend's place tonight and let me have her dorm to myself. It’s a big though, so it seems unnecessary. This is the kind of dorm kids dream of. A Big room, communal kitchen, in room sink, the works. The showers are in the basement, but that’s a small problem. The room is great. There is even wireless Internet, but since I don’t have the network key, and she can’t find it, I’ll use her computer. She says there is something wrong with it. I have to post this. I hope the virus, if it is that, doesn’t my USB Ram thingy.
We were going to a barbeque of some friends of friends, but it raining cats and dogs out there, so it got cancelled. After we went food shopping of course, its always the way.
We’re just chilling now. She is at her computer and I’m writing this. I’m not sure what we’re doing now. Shooting pool with friends or something. All I know is that she bought beer she’s not going to drink so it looks like I’m stuck with it. Oh darn.
This city is right by Wolfsburg so everything is based on Volkswagen. Even the bank, if you can believe that.
I keep seeing bourbon brands I’ve never heard of. They can buy it, shouldn’t at least be aware of it.
They have some super cheap supermarkets here. Penny Markt, Alti. You could buy a dinner for less than a euro. I once bought a snack for 70 cents.
I love and miss you all,
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