Sep 07, 2006 19:36
Today I got all badantic, freaky, scared and got some perspective then calmed right down. Its all good now. I have not only perspective, but peace of mind. I'll probably go all Jake again at some point (I use the term with lots of love), but hopefully not for awhile. I over thought, overstreched, pulled a figerative muscle, and learned a little about myself. My only question is this: How can I go from cool, clam, and collected to nervous, freaked out wreck in about 7 second? Has anyone done a study on this?
I got up early for the class I intended to drop. I left bright and early, found the building, but accidenty didn't take the paper with the room number on it. I wandered around the building with another lost girl, but evenually gave up and left. I took it as a sign. Turns out Sam was the only one to get to the room and he was 45 minutes late. Glad I wasn't alone on this one.
After that I walked around the city until 3:30 or so. A long time, 9:15 to 3:30. I was looking for text books and a guitar, but had little luck on either. I found the books, but they were quite expensive so I'll look online. The guitar wasn't found at all except at a really nice store that I couldn't afford even if I was here for a long time.
When I got back here is when I got all out of shape, but made my way to the ISHSS Building by 5pm (I thought it tomorrow and found out on email) for pizza on IES tab. Did you know the have Domino's here? Its not great here either.
They aren't airing the PSU v. ND game or the OSU v. UT game here. They are airing Auburn v. Mississippi State game. Woopeee. I guess I have to take what I can get. No Eagles game on Sunday either.
All for now,