My First Watch Along :D

Apr 25, 2010 21:43

Big night for me - had my first watch alongs with the awesome aussies over at merlinaustralia and dwaustralia and it was heaps fun, even though my bloody computer DIED half-way through dw *is unimpressed*

never the less, the flailing and *cough* intellectual discussion was most riviting ;) mm and the eps were okay too I suppose...

and by that I mean THEY WERE AWESOME :) I have missed merlin heaps and I'm already in love with Dr Who (epic dw n00b here)as well as Eleven and Matt <3 both gorgeous. I honestly don't know what I've done to deserve such british yumminess all packed into one evening - I'm surprised there was no swooning - although my squeeling did make my dad leave half way through Merlin. I have now officially staked a claim on the TV come sunday evening, as it is the only time I actually watch TV and I somehow successfully shut everyone down the moment they tried to so much as speak.

As for the actual episodes, the Merlin ep was hilarious, and the father/son moments between Uther and Arthur, and Guias and Merlin were heart warming. Although the Arthur and Merlin's relationship had all but returned to square one, with only the addition of Merlin's undying love, they none the less delivered on laughs. As for Arthur and Gwen - I don't even want to think about it. The forced chemistry was just arghhh

Doctor Who was so heart warming!!! The Doctor has such a beautiful heart and Amy was just a little bit kick ass. I don't know if I want to ship them or not, but so far my mind seems to be going there unconsiously - I'll hold out on full shiping them until I've seen them together more.

During the watch along someone pointed out how bounty hamster had a space whale - made me smile for ages, I miss that show it was so sweet :) ....I wonder if she ever found her dad....

Well enough rambling from me...time to go to bed I think..

fandom: dr. who, rl, fandom: merlin, watch along

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