Dec 01, 2021 01:13
I avoid telling coworkers and friends how much I'm working. I'm conflicted about it - like "dont be scab" or take on weird martyr complex. But also I'm learning a ton, there's room for deep collaborative relationships and creativity, and Im being paid well for the first time in my life. How much of this responsibility could or should I accept? How am I being accountable and where am I improving my practice?
Today's topic was the Trauma of Money. Our guest shared super compelling research and tools from her practice- lots to hold and think about. Fewer folks than normal stayed after class today. Last week, folks stayed hours and hours - lovely and energizing conversations but also thats a lot of fucking zoom. Today, more cameras off and people bounce after class. I took a huge nap after class, and now I'm facing a wall of names to connect with, who have mostly been on my list for weeks.
I read something recently about context collapse. The article focused on social media but i see this in my work as well. Trying to hop between topics and relationships and structures and formats and modalities. Its a fucking lot and it's all important and interesting. I want to know the right way.