That was one of the best weekends I've had since I came back to California. Sorry I've been out of touch lately. I've been busy, and spent the weekend on a boat in the Channel Islands getting certified to be a
Reef Check Ecodiver. No TV, no video games, no computer, no human drama, no arguing, no stress other than struggling with putting on 2 wetsuits and finding the addition of a transect line and a slate and flashlight very cumbersome. We anchored on the leeward side of Anacapa Island, facing stunning sheer cliffs populated by pelicans, and did three dives on Saturday before the winds kicked up and we headed to Santa Cruz Island for the night. We returned to Anacapa for Sunday and were joined on our dives by a harem of playful female and juvenile sea lions. I'm not good at the surveys, but I'm good enough and I passed! We returned to Ventura and the "small pod" of dolphins the captain spotted off the bow turned out to be dolphins for a hundred meters off the port, starboard, stern and bow, plus about 6 riding the wave right under us, who would in turns leap out in front of the boat. It was complete magic, and we were all delighted. I got some contact info and some leads on places to go diving more often. One of the guys has a bunch of extra gear and offered to loan it to me for midweek night dives from Malibu or Redondo.
I didn't realize how much I needed that peace. The happiest times lately have been getting out of the city, away from the stress and frantic energy, away from the parties and sex and drinking. It's good to know that I can still feel like that, and to resolve to do more that will make me happy and not get carried away trying to attend every Burner event and get sucked into things that don't end up making me feel fulfilled or connected.
Today, I am half wrecked. Sunburned. Fingernails torn off from gloves, lips chapped, hands aching from pulling on my wetsuit. Landsick -- everything is swaying. My back doesn't hurt, and neither do my legs, which means I am getting stronger. I have a terrible headache from dehydration, and I am still so damn happy. I'm going to try to get out of the city every weekend.