Apr 23, 2007 16:55
Maybe this is silly, seeing as no one is dying or battling cancer, but send me some good thoughts or put me in your prayers for a very speedy recovery from my sinus injury please, won't you? Seven days of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and decongestants have not done much, and I have been *so* good about not drinking or smoking. I can't dive, I can't go out because I'll just be sitting around watching everyone drink and smoke, and it's making me nuts. The worst is watching someone else do my job, and knowing that the one thing that has been making me happier than I have ever been in my life is not possible for me right now. I've also planned a lot of my immediate future around diving, and that's all SNAFU right now.
So if you pray, or light candles, or whatever, stick me in there.