Grumpy academic is grumpy

Sep 07, 2012 11:42

I love that the European Court of Human Rights makes webcasts of hearings available in both English and French. That's good public relations policy. I do, however, wish that they would get interpreters who matched the gender of the speaker. Watching a grand old male judge speak in a very clearly young female voice is... confusing.

Also, what's up with publishing some of the cases in only French? It's incredibly inconvenient for a non-French speaker, and makes it much less probable that I will rely on the case in any way.

Also, also: To the Danish Ombudsman: It would not hurt you to give the correct spelling of a case title. Or the correct date. Or, at the very least, an application number. Simply stating "The Furcas Case, September 30 2010" is incredibly sloppy work, and makes it virtually impossible to locate the case since the proper name is Farcas v. Romania (app. no. 32596/04, September 14 2010). But hey, at least you got the year right? The amount of googling I had to do to locate the actual case was embarassing (for you, not me). Especially for an institution who publicly claims to put out zero-fault documents. *eye-roll*

Also x 3: I am at *Hulk-smash* levels of needing coffee. How do you brain???
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