(no subject)

Jan 17, 2012 16:05

Hah! Take that, evil Judgment of Doom, you are no match for me!

(aka: Finished with the analysis from yesterday, at least for now.)

Also, reason no. 179 why having a smartphone is not just for fun: I can draw a figure on my whiteboard, take a picture, send it to my work mail and then copy it straight into word. Five minutes max from start to finish. Meanwhile, drawing figures in Word is just a pain - it would have taken me at least an hour to create that figure digitally (and it still would have looked like crap. At least now it has the advantage of being a) legible, b) accurate, and c) fast).

Also, also re. Sherlock - The Reichenbach Fall: Yes, please.

Really, I don't need to say more than that, but still: The way the whole series has been so meticulously crafted, the characterisations, the visual flair, the music, the whole shebang is just absolutely gorgeous.

(Someone please give Mr. Freeman ALL THE AWARDS for breaking my heart so very thoroughly. Such subtle acting, it's all in his posture and the way his voice (doesn't) carry, you just can't help but know exactly what he's going through as he watches his best friend die. That last moment at the grave, where he pleads with Sherlock to not be ... dead, and then straightens up and does a military turn? Full-on waterworks. I get sniffly just thinking about it.)
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