tammypierce (who has been my favorite author for the past six or seven years and is awesome) posted a link to a call for submissions.
It's been a long time since I've written anything for the pure fun of it. The most writing I do nowadays is for class. It's a terrible, terrible pity. I don't even blog any more.
I find great enjoyment in writing essays, but I love being able to spout long, poetic, descriptive sentences. I used to be able to do that at the drop of the hat. After two years of creative writing in which the assignments where chores and not fun, I'm not sure I can do that any more (not to mention I am no longer taking that class and have even less incentive to write creatively).
That post about the call for submissions had me rooting through my old stuff. I pulled some files up and read it.
See, over the past year or so, I'd come under the impression that I just plain fail as a writer. My plots were shallow and I disliked how I could never bring anything to a good, meaningful ending. I lost my confidence and I haven't written anything for fun in over a year. That hurts, considering how much I used to write.
Reading back at my old stuff, yes. Some of it was the general mush fangirls spouted. Those made me cringe (and think, who the hell read this stuff and thought it was good?)
And then, on the other hand, I've read some things that made me blink (as in, wow, wait, I wrote this? This is actually pretty charged with some good emotion and diction!). This has all piqued up my interest again and I looked back at my LJ (which has not been well-updated at ALL) and laughed when I stumbled upon my impromptu rambling entry about blueberries. I had fun writing that. And I had fun writing a lot of things back then.
This is the absolute worse time to start wanting to write again (and I'm note ven sure if my resolution would hold out long enough) because it's my first quarter in college and damn if it's not difficult just keeping up with my workload in general. But I want to try. And I've been googling some call for submissions. (It's a pity that I don't think the one Tamora Pierce linked me to wants the kind of work I want to submit right now. Plus the deadline is this week and I haven't got anything prepared.)I haven't found anything yet, but at least I feel like I want to blog again. And feel literate.
If any of you actually read through this whole thing, I'm impressed. If I have anyone who's still following this blog, I think I love you. <3 And if you ever liked my writing (or still do), well...really. That means a lot. I hope I can start trying again.
In other news, I dislike Chaucer. Strongly. I love Spencer, though. The Faerie Queene is amazing.
In other, OTHER news, can someone prompt me? Kaythanks. :3
PPPS: Happy birthday to my lovely Kit. Thank you for being for me these past three years. <3 You've been an inspiration.