So, I finally downloaded Ubuntu. Dad gave me his old *read ancient * laptop. He even got Windows removed from it. :D
So, now I have the whole laptop to myself. *YAY!* *goes all derpy*
Now I have to figure out ubuntu. Well, basically how to get the most out of the Terminal. This is so bloody exciting :3
I think I'll get an online guide book. Or something.
I just read through my entire journal again. And corrected a plethora of typos and grammar errors. And I'd like to share the blame with LJ. As it happens, every time I type out a post, after I've reached about 200 words or so, at some point I press backspace, and then, somehow, the writing part is deselected, and instead it goes back to the previous page. And of course, the Autosave draft feature saves the first two lines of the post or so. And I've to write the whole thing again.
So now I'm writing it in LibreOffice. In Ubuntu - the Natty Narwhal distro. :D
However, its Aut0correct is slightly faulty, which kinda sucks.
But there's no way I can write all this at 1.30 in the morning on the PC without my Mum killing me. A la Dexter.
So, here I am, writing to pass my time, as Ubuntu downloads all the updates.
Oh and as for the subject, no, I don't have a bunny suit. Although I did wear one once. *cue repressed memory* And didn't like it at all. But I digress. It's a reference to Kimya Dawson's So Nice So Smart from ... Juno, I think? Weird song. All her songs are like that. I love it :D
Well, more later,