Apr 27, 2005 16:12
my parents are basically slamming my head in walls about these fucking grades
i'm getting so stressed and angry and trying so hard that i'm almost on the brink of self mutilation again
of course they don't see this
I know they want me to be succesful but god lay off a bit!
every day
i get nagged and screamed at about a few small grades
no, i'm not megan
i'm not clara
i'm not a straight A perfect student
if they could fucking understand this, maybe i will have the enviroment to pass
right now i'm just being smothered with accusations and guilt to think straight
i don't want to pass to be successful not, i want to pass to make them shut up
it's hurts me to think this way, but what else am i supposed to do?
i get so stressed and angry that i fucking cry
i hate this
so much