[ Instructions:
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you. ]
100 things about me.
01. I'm obsessed with Lord of the Rings
02. I bite my nails
03. I hate Hilary Duff
04. I hate most rap music.
06. Most of my wardrobe contains black apparel
07. I hate when people ask me if I want to "Cyber" online. ewww.
08. I draw anime-like peoples.
09. I want a tattoo
10. It bothers worries me when my friends are unhappy.
11. I scare people.
12. I hate arrogance
13. I'm broke
14. I hate it when people lie to me.
15. I think that people suck. cause they ruinied the world.
16. Metalhead
17. Sometimes I hate my parents and want to just hurt them or do something to them, but cant.
18. It annoys me when people try to tell me how I am, and what I like.
19. I'm such an airhead around guys that I like.
20. I like pokemon games.
21. I wish I had wings
22. I can make some people think I’m this way or that way,its quite fun
23. My relationships always run into some sort of trouble.
24. I'm in love
25. I'm a layout whore.
26. I also read everyone’s away messages.
27. I adore animals.
28. I'm a weird person.
29. My hair's a bitch
30. I repeated 9th grade.
31. Listening to music usually helps my mood. or changes it.
32. I hate history
33. My eyes give away my mood; my face is an open book to my expressions.
34. I love staying up late.
35. I have a few close friends.
36. Alexxx is smart
37. I'm often inspired by something small in life
38. I eat poorly
39. I hate it when people tell me what to do.
40. Lint is not very nice looking
41. I run into walls
42. I love to dance alone in my room.
43. I love it when it rains.
44. I'm easily distracted.
45. I procastinate too much.
46. I wish I had walls like at the aquarium
47. I wish I could teleport
48. Bah-hum-bug
49. Bite me.
50. I hate shaving my legs. takes to long :9
51. The computer monitor is blurry
52. I HATE fundraising
53. I hate Britney Spears
54. I love icons
55. Lilacs are my favorite flower
56. Ive created my own site.
57. I'm a daydreamer.
58. It's difficult to find clothes at stores that fit me right.
59. Today's my off day
61. I have some artistic talent
62. I want to be veggie-tar-I-en.
63. I hate math.
64. I hate to cry. I'm a huge crybaby.
65. I thrive off of competition
66. Raspberries are delicious
67. I'm biting my nails right now
68. I believe inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.
69. I wear pants a lot. but I'm starting to wear skirts.
70. I wish I had more money
71. I hate showing my ugly legs.
72. Showing too much skin makes me feel like a skank.
73. I'm online a lot.
74. I wish I didn't have acne.
75. Stick people can go to hell
76. There are people that I hate, but am unfortunetly nice to
77. I enjoy being alone. at times.
78. People are STUPID sometimes
79. I hate it when people try to make themselves greater than me.
80. I'm very competitive
81. I love vegetables
82. And those people that I hate and am nice to, always get the wrong idea about how I feel about them
83. Sometimes I think everyone hates me.
84. I make fun of those preppy/popular girls. well the bitchy ones anyways<.
85. I’m only dangerous when provoked.
86. I can be paranoid over stupid stuff.
87. I've eaten chapstik before and it tastes nasty
88. Sometimes I get this urge to clean everything
89. I hate when some people say this person is “hot” and they want to date them because of their looks.
90. I love my computer
91. I have a phobia of being crowded too much
92. I have a secret liking for classical music
93. I love my close friends.
94. I think about death quite a bit.
95. I hate being bored.
96. I have posters around my room
97. I'm usually more outgoing when I'm around friends.
98. I love getting out of the house with friends.
99. I want a job to have some moola.
100. My favorite song is "When I'm Gone" by Three Doors Down