mp3 player

Sep 23, 2007 17:20

I'm looking for an mp3 player with the following qualifications. If anyone here can recommend something, that'd be great.

- Very high sound quality. I want to be able to play this through my stereo system loudly without distortion, humming, hissing, whatever.
- Small and portable. I want to be able to strap it on to go running or whatever, and be able to carry it around easily w/o worrying about holding on to or breaking it.
- Versatility. I want to use mp3s I currently have without having to format them or anything stupid. Playing wma files is a plus.
- Usability. I want using it to make sense and be easy. I shouldn't have to look at it to play, skip a track, or change the volume.

I don't need a ton of space, probably 2 gb would be plenty. I also don't care about video playback.

Maybe I'm a little picky, but I'm willing to pay a reasonable amount for something good that will be my primary source of music from now on at home, in the car (eventually), and at work.
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