A dumb homophobic bastard on youtube hates on me:(

Jul 25, 2009 20:34

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ONE of THE most hateful and stupid videos I have seen in my life.
My comment and the dumb homophobic bastard's response:
evileve18 (16 minutes ago)
I'm a christian,straight woman, and I love the LGBT community.I believe that they should have the same rights as I do.Homosexuality is not immoral or unnatural.They are not doing anything wrong.They are just loving each other .There is nothing wrong showing kids that gay people are people too.The bible was written over 2,000 years ago in an extremely different culture and language.The bible needs to be read in the context in which it was written.The biggest message of the bible is to LOVE. :)

Krazie316 (10 minutes ago)  You're no Christian as you don't follow the teachings of Christ, love the sinner, not the sin.

The bible throughout the Old and New speaks against the lifestyle in both Greek and english.

I know it like the back of my hands.

It is both immoral and unnatural especially biologically, hence there's no anatomical design for it.

There's everything wrong with "so called" tolerance classes because they don't teach tolerance, they force the lifestyle down the childrens throats and brainwash the.

I am SO MOTHERFUCKING PISSED RIGHT NOW!!! GOD why the HELL are these people using god's message to promote hate and intolerance?
Can y'all do me a favor and comment on that ass-hole's video? just to show that i'm not the only one who's a-okay with the gays:)
Using the J2 icon as a fuck you to the haters of gay love:D


homophobia, religious dealings, rant, stupid people

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