Jun 22, 2011 20:32
Friday: The pain of the Bob video. I hate the Bob video. Took the dog for the park, more active than usual since the other people who came brought dogs that DIDN'T LIKE OTHER DOGS. (now, why would you bring them to a DOG PARK where they are likely to run into other dogs?) Anyway, so I had to play "chase me" and keep away a lot to distract my dog who LOVES other dogs more than he loves me.
Saturday: 5.4 mile run on the trail. I did have to walk at the 2.9 for less than a tenth of a mile, and then again at one other point because of a. the humidity and b. paying for my sins the night before. .6 total walking distance, for a total distance of 6 miles.
Evening: Core work (15 minutes) and then yoga. I know I did at least half an hour of it but I don't remember which one.
Sunday: more Bob pain, over an hour of Bob pain.
Monday: sad run... 4/10 mile warmup, then the humidity must have gotten me because I only did 3.4 in half an hour. .3 mile walk after. evening: 45 minutes core work, then 40 minutes yoga.
Tuesday: Only had time to do about 45 minutes of Bob video. It stormed, so I did not take the dog to the park this evening--we went on a 4 mile walk instead (1 hour).
Wednesday: .4 mile warmup walk, 35 minute run (I think I got about 3.8 or so, but am unsure as I ran a different route), .4 mile cooldown walk. I really really hate running in high humidity, because I feel like I'm going faster than I am. Did my 15 minute core routine after the run, because I had to get my oil changed this evening.