Oct 01, 2010 11:33

It is Belly/Jon Benet/Furbaby/Pippi Otter Bottom/Mary Frances/Furb's FIFTH BIRTHDAY!

HaPpY BiRtHdAy FuRbAbY!

Let's begin with a little retrospective pictorial...

Here she is when I received the call of a young and sick pup who had been picked up by animal control two counties over...

How pitiful is that? She was practically bald. Her ears were still jagged on the edges when I got her- from flies eating them.

There are A LOT of pics behind the cut. I am amazed that I am being so considerate as to even put them behind a cut. Apparently the Furbaby hasn't rubbed off on me too much.

She was scheduled to be put down that day if we didn't place a hold on her because she was so sick and therefore unadoptable because they couldn't provide a Health Certificate, and the shelter was unwilling/unable to provide medical care for her.
That photo ranks up there with John-John's salute of his father's casket for All Time Saddest Things Ever.

Because we couldn't get over to her immediately Vickie told the shelter to take her to a veterinarian who we had a tab with over in that county. By the night I got her she looked like this!

She still had horrible mange and worms AGAIN, but whatever was giving her a fever and causing her to not eat had responded to the antibiotics, and she was getting HAPPY!

As she progressed into puppy hood the status of her ears changed by time of day, mood and activity level.

She was supposedly still available for adoption and I kept turning down applications and I know that was wrong, but I was crazy about her and so was Delta. Dutch was out of town at the time for weeks of training somewhere and was watching the situation unfold in my journal. He'd tell me weren't keeping her and I'd say, "Oh GOD NO! I don't want her. But she needs to find a good home."

This is how people start hoarding animals- by believing that no home is good enough. During my rescue years I fostered/day-cared/night-cared HUNDREDS of animals. That I came out of it with three dogs and Travis is an amazing feat in self control.
There are still a few that tug at my heart: A blue eyed aussie mix (Blue), a chocolate lab with green eyes(Hank The Tank), an infant black lab named Jacob whose eyes were like a baby seal's, dear sweet doxie-mix Juliet with her cigarette burns, and Daphne the Manchester terrier. I am actually OK with having adopted out the four Jack Russel Terrier pups.

Once Dutch arrived home there wasn't much discussion about her moving her out and I removed her ad from Petfinder.com.

Here she is riding in Vanthrax. She doesn't get to ride on a seat like that anymore. We are much more careful now. I was a young mother and didn't know any better.

When she came to me she had been sick and neglected. I think that is partially responsible for her own hoarding tendencies and unrestrained greed.
These are some of my fave pics because you really see her coveting another dogs chewie/toy instead of enjoying her own and that strikes me as very funny. It's classic Fur behavior. Delta let her get away with that shit but Bunny stands her ground.

I think one of the reasons she and Travis always got along so well was because he didn't have anything she wanted for herself.

Now Furbs is a Jersey Girl. I hope she's happy and that she likes the snow but given her doxie genes I am not optimistic, but I will get up every day and see that she is properly dressed and protected from the elements because I am her mother and I love her.

Isn't she gorgeous in her own little way? I keep hoping that if Hollywood continues to put off making a movie about her lifestory that they will find someone other than Tori Spelling to play her role.

I will be making other Furbaby posts throughout the birthday weekend so don't worry if I appear to have missed what might have been a personal favorite Furbaby Moment. It's probably in the stack already, but you guys are certainly welcome to share memories and happy birthday wishes with her. :)
I just can't believe she is five. Time flies when you're having Fur.

HaPpY BiRtHdAy FuRbAbY!


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