The Fandom Meme

Mar 07, 2012 14:01

Taken from all over

First TV show I had self-insertion fantasies about:

The film Tron is the first screen media I can actually remember having self-insertion fantasies about. I can also remember writing ghastly self-insertion stories about it long before I had even heard of fanfiction.

For tv series it would have to be Robin Of Sherwood. Also, the first time I can remember consciously being aware of the fact I fancied Marion as much as Robin.

First fandom in which I interacted with other fans:

I suppose that would be The X-Men which were my gateway drug in to the world of american comics when I was around 14. My first interaction with other fans came through my struggle to locate the comics here in the UK and therefore stumbling across my first comic shop and the people in it.

My first interaction with fans on-line was a BBS for the film Blade. Up until then I had not really interacted with fans other than my real life friends.

Pairing in the first slash fanfiction I read:

I'd read and written a few slash stories in the Robin Of Sherwood fandom and I was aware of the Spock/Kirk pairing but the first time I got majorly sucked into a slash fandom and read ALL the stories was Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

First RPS/RPF I read:

Probably something involving either Ewan McGregor or Liam Neeson. I think the first time I really read RPS/RPF was The Establishment AU over on Journalfen. I kind of picked up on that because some writers I particularly liked from slash fanfiction started writing in it.

First fanfiction I read that made me think, 'YES, this is exactly the kind of fanfiction I'd like to write...':

Ye gods, probably anything written by Writestuff or Cori Lannam or Lilith Sedai from the Master Apprentice archive.

First time I remember getting really turned on by a fic:

Heh! See above.

First OTP:

I've never been very OTP about my fandoms to be honest. I have preferred pairings but will read most pairings if the story or writer interests me.

I guess the first fandom where I pretty much only read the one pairing was Chris/Ezra in The Magnificent Seven.

I am at the moment quite OTP about Sherlock/John although I will read Sherlock/Lestrade if it is set before John's arrival. I will only read Douglas/Martin in Cabin Pressure fanfiction as well for some reason.

First RPS/F OTP:

I don't really have one as I do not read a lot of RPS/RPF

First fannish friend I met in person:

Well I've always had a lot of real life friends who were fans of comics/sci fi but most of them were male and they weren't fannish in *quite* the same way I was.

I think the first fannish online person I met in person was _hedgewytch_ from when I was in the Russell Crowe fandom and that was because I had a spare TOFOG ticket rather than because we had interacted a lot.

First proper fannish friend I met in real life was lastrega when I suddenly decided to attend HLDU5. One of the best experiences of my life. In fact Highlander fandom introduced me to most of my best long term fannish friends.

First character I formally roleplayed/cosplayed:

I have never really done this properly although I used to get told I looked like Death from The Sandman comic quite a bit when I was in my late teens.
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