
Oct 02, 2011 07:56

Seems in the UK a Call of Duty player, age 46, had taken enough taunting from a 13 year old he tracked him down...went to his house...and proceeded to choke said 13 year old until the boy's parents intervened.

I read about this on Game Informer and, interestingly, a LOT of comments on the news story were in the same tone of, "Well, not that *I* would go and choke somebody...but, I can understand where he's coming from."

Anyone who has ever had to deal with players whose fast twitch reflexes surpass their decency online can relate to having 13 year olds snipe you then talk smack about how they're going to have sex with you/your mom and...well, that's pretty much it, really...they will sexually violate you and/or your mom. Not that creative, but still less annoying than when they take some aspect of your ID, equate it with something sexual, then keep going on about it for a whole 15 minute match. (Example: If your ID is wizardchronicle99, they would say, "Hey, wizard, show me your chronicle! I've got your CHRONICLE, baby. You know you want my chronicle!" ad infinitum)

Whilst it is hilarious to hear this kind of stuff out of context, mark me, it is far less funny when you keep getting killed while hearing "Your mom showed me her CHRONICLE...that's right...when I killed you just now..." Even so, there's usually a little box you can check that says "MUTE" or, even better, "MUTE ALL." You just gotta let it slide people or, even better, learn to laugh at it. As is obvious, these kids make complete idiots out of themselves and can make from some hilarious dialogue. ESPECIALLY when you get two in the same match on opposite teams.
"Hey, deathwar69, I had sex with your mom!"
"Yeah, I hear you sexybad69, you're just wanting to show me your deathwar."
"Your mom showed me her bad...that's right..."

However, this whole thing is disturbing for a number of reasons...not the least of which is the parents.

1. These are usually M rated games...which kids shouldn't be playing
2. Parents let minors have unsupervised internet game priveleges? Yeah, hey, not the brightest idea.
3. You taught your kids to open the door for a stranger? Seriously!

Then you've got the creepy factor that an adult got so upset about a VIDEO GAME that he committed real life assault!

Then of course you have the whole fact that some guy was able to TRACK THIS KID DOWN, I'm guessing via IP. Charles H. Darwin, that's creepy.

So, yeah, in summation: WATCH WHAT YOUR KIDS ARE DOING ONLINE! SERIOUSLY! For the sanity of the general population and, well, obviously now, for their own protection. I mean, seriously, what are parents thinking!?!? And, dude, what were YOU thinking!
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