Mar 09, 2007 06:28
So far I have managed to be married on two separate occasions.
Each of these marriages ended in divorce.
Since then I have gained two lovely semi LTR GF’s (one for about 2 years now, the other for about 4).
Now I have managed to end up in the marvelous situation of reliving BOTH of my previous failures at the SAME TIME.
This is more exquisite irony than I ever planned on.
However I have become nearly numb to this kind of crap by now.
It is not so much traumatizing at this point is it is a bit of a tedious dance that I am watching play out as it has before.
There is of course a chance the train will avoid the wall this time, but somehow I just have not seen it happening.
Everything just seems to be playing out like it did before, just with less volume.
As I said though, I cannot seem to manage working up a terribly good funk over it this time.
I just find myself curious how long it will take for the dust to settle, and what it will cost me.