Oct 24, 2007 02:13
Cranglesmack (2:11:49 AM): Tacos are good.
Snyderman316 (2:10:48 AM): Agreed
Cranglesmack (2:12:13 AM): I just ate several.
Cranglesmack (2:12:38 AM): I got them at Taco Bell. Taco Bell does not make great tacos, but most tacos are worth the time and money regardless of the source.
Cranglesmack (2:12:49 AM): Taco Bell just happens to be open late.
Snyderman316 (2:12:01 AM): I like Taco Bell tacos, they are like the dirty slut of the Taco world
Snyderman316 (2:12:11 AM): cheap, easy, and fast
Snyderman316 (2:12:25 AM): but usually leave you with a burning hole at the end of the night
Cranglesmack (2:13:40 AM): Haha