
Mar 17, 2006 00:20

must.....rant. Work was a total crock of shit today. I got total attitude from the girl working up at customer service as soon as I got there (and for no reason I might add. She's always been cool with me before even though nobody else really likes her because she is always in a mood I guess) I just kind of blew that off though, not thinking anything of it because everyone has their bad days. But then there was a mixup with the returns I guess, and I put "her" socks away when we were supposed to leave them up at customer service (or something, who knows. lack of communication as always) So then I just casually say that I was wanting to buy the Spongebob socks that were on clearance, and she got totally discusted with me saying how nasty and perverted Spongebob is, blah blah blah. So I brought up the fact that I love Spongebob and Ethan does too, then she went on this total rampage about how she just COULDN'T BELIEVE that I would even let me kid watch that nasty show like it was child abuse or something. GRRR. it's a freaken cartoon on freaken Nickelodeon. Yes, how horrible of me??? Plus yeah, I know that there are "adult jokes" in the show, but Ethan is just a baby for fucks sake. Like he understands or cares. He's more interested in dancing to the theme song then actually watching it, but of course I didn't bother telling her that because there is no reason I should have to. I sware my job gets more ridiculous by the day. Now that I think about it, it is quite funny...but judging me because I let my 21 month old watch Spongebob leaves me speechless....
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