Jul 13, 2010 22:30
So, er, yes, I still know where lj is! And today has been totally fantastic and it makes me very very happy because it's the first time nothing bad has happened on my birthday since I was... 12? 11? That's not to say all my birthdays were all bad. I mean, there was nothing particularly wrong about 15 except for the part where I was recovering from major surgery and couldn't have anyone over because I still couldn't do things like shower. And 16 was also pretty fun except for a couple tasteless texts and the general angst of that summer.
BUT ANYWAY! Today was totally fab. I got to sleep in til 7:00 (a luxury when I usually have to get up at 6:30) and still shower. Then, I threw on my shiny new birthday present jewelry (robin's egg blue glass earrings and matching necklace) and Very Professional Outfit and went to work. (A side note: I love wearing these pumps I bought for work. Which is strange because I chose them because they reminded me of the Banal and Undistracting Choir Shoes we had to buy in high school choir. But they make this delicious clicking noise as I walk down the halls which makes me feel Very Grown Up.)
Anyway, I went to work and ate my snacks and little mini pizzas by 10:30, which I try not to do. And researched children's authors and read about the real Round Table and epic love stories and had fab ecards waiting for me. It was great. Then the person that the EB people know as Roommate (because it makes me feel like Allie and because NO-WE-ARE-NOT-DATING-I-HAVE-A-GIRLFRIEND-WILL-YOU-PLEASE-STOP-ASKING-AND-IMPLYING-THINGS gets long) called and said "did you buy the chocolate bao you wanted for breakfast?" I hadn't, because I'd been running a little late because the bus was delayed. So he offered to drop by or meet me at the restaurant and buy me one. So I went out (because I enjoy being able to leave the office whenever I want). When I arrived, he has a box of minicupcakes from my favorite cup bakery.
A little background: I was told last week at a company functions that it's traditional to bring treats for the office, like you did in elementary school. So I meant to bake myself a cake on Monday (it would also be the first time I'd had homemade birthday cake in several years). But then I got tied up and didn't and told Roommate I wouldn't be needing that jar of frosting after all.
So, anyway, I showed up at our favorite fast food Chinese place and there he was with the cupcakes. He felt bad I hadn't been able to make the cake and had brought me treats that I could "share with the class". It was incredibly sweet. So then I went back to the office and received birthday wishes from every woman in the office. The men dropped by for cupcakes but didn't say anything. It was an interesting contrast. Then my favorite coworker continued her "Things I'd Rather Be Doing" cartoon series for me with the most adorable drawings and left them stuck to the wall of my cubicle. They were great. Ironically, I got even more work done than I had anticipated.
Then I went to work at my other office. Roommate brought over Chinese takeaway (modified just like I like it) so I could get work done and not have to eat prepackaged food. He got the most dreadful Mongolian beef for himself and the delivery guy got lost, but mine was fantastic. Then I decided I was too tired for more office work, got back to all my facebook friends that had left me charming and delightful messages throughout the day (which was also great) and wrote this. Life is good. This bodes well for the coming decade.
Ps. Plus, coming this week: Two concerts, a Very Special Visitor, and Other Adventures.