Video Game Update

Jul 01, 2011 13:00

Okay, this past week I got my first 'Platinum' trophy on the PS3.

The game: Ar Tonelico: Qoga.

I was very surprised I liked this game, but I did enjoy it a lot and in the end the trophies were ones you can easily get by playing the game. Other games (Neptunia, Trinity Universe) will give you half to most by playing through to get things, but then they have the 'hard' ones or 'time consuming' ones that require you to do monotonous stuff over and over and over, and...I'll pass. For these games I'd rather have fun gameplay and a neat story over just doing things to do things. And thus maybe I would get more trophies on games if they were for things I was going to do anyway.

That being said, now that this is done I should start up Zelda...but TF2 jumped in the way. So I think Zelda will wait a little bit.
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