Oct 23, 2008 12:18
Don't you wanna know why i keep getting fired?
It's their desire. It's their desire.
Danger, Danger!
Not quite yet, but very soon!
Danger, Danger, it's a Restructure!
When we lose, and get bailed out!
Ok, so, melodramatic, perhaps, but wow.
I work on a team that is classified as "Specialty"- Indicating that there are numerous skill sets and no one classification. Technicall Speaking there is Legal analyst, Consumer Intervention, Executive referral, and the team I'm on, Research.
We consolidated CI with exec, and all was fine for a while. Then our legal analyst got fired, and nobody took over the position. And now, as of today, they're getting rid of executive. As well, Sonya in our time is training to do the consolidated CI, so we'll be down a person in my department, with no likelihood of there being another hired.
I'm concerned for the future of my position here...I should definitely look into getting my resume up to par.
In personal News, I've been depressed lately. I can't find any particular reason for it, no sudden changes have occurred in my life (Well, Dana left :(), but it's rather severe. I don't feel like talking to anybody, really, or hanging out with friends, and i don't enjoy any of the stuff i used to find pleasure in. I'm not even interested in sex at all.
I hope it passes. I suspect it has to do with my stagnation in life at the moment. I feel so boxed in by so many things.
I'm stuck in my apartment until the lease renews, I'm stuck at my job to pay for said apartment, I never have any money to play around with, I'm not in college.
It's as though i want to make all this change occur, but am powerless to do so.
I've been seeking solitude lately. Haven't really wanted to be around anybody.
Wrath Comes out soon, I should really get my shaman to 70. With the Spell Power conversion, it makes levelling to 70 elemental and then switching to Resto nearly Seamless.
Enhancement was just too melee-ey for my tastes.
I forgot my phone at home again. I think my forgetfulness and lack of attentiveness are related to my lack of stimulation. I've not had to think terribly hard about anything lately, and my acuity has suffered.
This Mortal, Mortal Coil. Poe's infamous Raven circled in my brain this morning. It's really rather one of my favorite poems ever- I love the intricacy of rhyme and Poe was most excellent in that area.
Once upon a midnight dreary, as I pondered weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious voluume of forgotten Lore.
I think that's how it goes.