Letter E...tagged by O_t4ng

Nov 30, 2006 09:19

Want to play with me? Comment & I'll give you a letter, then you go ahead and post your own list of ten things you love that begin with said letter.

1. Evenings...I'm a night owl.
2. Emu's...who doesn't like them?
3. Egg's...can't beat an egg stottie.
4. Eskimo's...they're near polar bears.
5. Ear's...need them to hear with.
6. Elephants...you know they rock (not as much as bears)
7. E-mail...hehehehe.
8. Elbow...without it you couldn't bend your arm.
9. Empire...can't beat a bit of evil in a galaxy far far away.
10. EvilD...whats not to like about me? :D

That was really quite hard.
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