Oct 01, 2006 00:24
Life's ok got my head sorted out enough for me to carryout the buttload of work heading my way. Probably going to have to take a long driving trip up to Virginia when my Stepdad's father passes away. Anytime now. :-/
Anyhow, I have been staying with Bernie for like a solid week and a half now. Its fun I suppose. Not too big on his wife yelling at me all the time. Don't think I'll be staying there long considering that I dont have any space of my own. I just have the floor of the office and they want me to pay them 300$ a month for that :(
I like spending time with Bernie and Karlie though. His dog Karlie is a weimreiner. Cute pup, I get to wrestle with her regularly and take her on nice long walks. Its really kind of relaxing after she stops pulling your arm to the brink of dislocation ^_^
Anyhow. It is now officially October. I am happy to say that September is behind me and I can move on with a successful end of the year. Work should be fairly busy for me for a few weeks so I am fortunate for that. Going to get to take that trip with Herc November 2nd. i think it will be a blast to drive across the US with him from Longbeach CA to Orlando FL ^_^ Definately have plenty of time to catch up and to clear my head and get my creative projects back on track.