sun for days

Jun 09, 2024 09:08

Well, sorta, it was mostly cloudy yesterday but it still got up to like 82. Hottest day of the year so far. But LOL joke's on us, the rain comes back by the end of next week and it might be as low as 59 on Father's Day. It's clearly gonna be one of those years for the PNW where summer doesn't happen until after the 4th.

So let's see, i finished both White Cat Legend and Destiny recently. The former was so annoyingly full of plotholes and i just reached a point of no return where i had to finish it so i did. The dubbing on ppl who were dubbed was very bad, so it almost ruined the nicety of having a few ppl ike DYX undubbed.

Destiny was better, but oddly, when i reached the end, i had this weird feeling like nothing actually happened lmao. I kinda think the reason for that is that the character development was poor and it didn't seem like any characters grew or learned anything. Even Masaki's dad, even though he stated that he changed, there was no room to show it. It's kinda rare for Jdramas to make poor use of a small number of episodes but yeah lol.

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying Crash so far, I haven't gone back to my in progress Cdramas yet but i will hahah. I also want to start Born Again, plus the new dramas with L and Vic Zhou.

In other news, it's once again the summer of doing cool things to my Jeep lol. Finally got tired of half-assing it with seat cover stuff and sprung for some CalTrend urban digicamo covers. Cheapo stuff sucks, kids. If you want something good you gotta spend lol. I'm also finally gonna upgrade my tires. Been wanting to do it for awhile, but just hadn't sat down and did the research. So getting 30 inchers. Yokohama AT Geos with the 3-peak designation. Poured through loads of reviews, TJ forums, and whatnot and these are what i settled on. They're actually pretty reasonable for this type of tire at 154 per.

Will add about 3 inches to my ride height and should be much better in winter weather. Since we had no winter last year, we'll prolly get a rebound winter this year so. Can't wait they're gonna look soooo coooool.

jdrama, summer, jeep things, weather, cdrama

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