thefridayfive 1. Most everyone will recommend a book or two to read, but are there any you would tell people to avoid?
- Quite a few really. The Poppy War and Neverwhere come to mind
2. If you take a book on vacation, are you more likely to take something you haven't read yet or an old favorite?
- Usually something new but these days i'm always in the middle of a book lol
3. Do you read any genres by the season? Like horror around Halloween? Cozy Mysteries in the Winter? Romance in the Summer?
- nOT really? and yet i'm re-reading LOTR for the first time in years bc the main narrative starts in the fall hahah
4. If you read a lot of Fiction do you prefer an author that has a series with the same character(s), or do you prefer stand-alone stories?
- Doesn't matter really
5. Is there a book that you wish you could read again, but experience it like it was the first time?
- The Ghost Bride hahah. But usually if i put enough time between a re-read it's almost like new. I'm finding that out with LOTR right now.
1. Which partially-read book would you especially like to finish someday, and why didn’t you finish it last time you read it?
- That Mr. Strange book lmao i have no idea why i haven't finished it yet other than it's really long and obviously didn't keep my attention for some reason.
2. Which partially-watched TV series would you like to complete?
- Most recently YOung Babylon but i have quite a few things on hold that i tell myself i'dlike to finish at somepoint
3. Which half-completed task is nagging at you most insistently?
- More like not completed, i keep meaning to get to Sportsmans Warehouse also for weeks and haven't done it yet lmao
4. Which incomplete project is likeliest to get some attention in the near future?
- Selling my old tires if you could call that an incomplete project
5. Which half-consumed item in your refrigerator or pantry are you thinking about right now?
- Not half-consumed but i have this maple scone mix i've been meaning to make for weeks but can't seem to get to it ffffffffffffff