This is worth being late to work...

Sep 02, 2005 13:09

SubHum02: you remeber the LOTR 2.
SubHum02: ?
SubHum02: ?
OneBulletSlaysMe: Of course
OneBulletSlaysMe: The Two Towers
OneBulletSlaysMe: Why..?
SubHum02: remeber the king of the horse kingdom, who was under control by sadomann
OneBulletSlaysMe: Uh... was that in the book?
OneBulletSlaysMe: Because I never read that
OneBulletSlaysMe: Gandolf could summon Shadowphanx, the king of all horses
OneBulletSlaysMe: Not Sauromon
SubHum02: nO no no.. the kind of the horse people.. the people who always fought on horsed.. remember..
OneBulletSlaysMe: Oh...
OneBulletSlaysMe: No
OneBulletSlaysMe: That wasn't in the movie
SubHum02: All I saw was the movie.
OneBulletSlaysMe: You mean the orcs that rode those monsters?
SubHum02: no no no.. the human horse people.
SubHum02: how do you not rmember them.
SubHum02: the king was under control by his so called "advisor".
OneBulletSlaysMe: Yes
OneBulletSlaysMe: And he banished his nephew and his people rode around on horses
SubHum02: and his eyes were always glazed over.
SubHum02: YES
OneBulletSlaysMe: The King of Rohan... not the horse kingdom...
OneBulletSlaysMe: haha... where are you getting at with this?
OneBulletSlaysMe: (=
SubHum02: well supposedly what he had (what sawdomann used to control him) was a nasty case of syphillis.
SubHum02: King Henry the 8th also.
OneBulletSlaysMe: That's awesome Matt
OneBulletSlaysMe: Thank you.
SubHum02: THat why the latter cut off many of his wives' heads
OneBulletSlaysMe: Thank you for existing (=
SubHum02: ???
SubHum02: I am confused
OneBulletSlaysMe: This has to be the most random thing... ever
SubHum02: Nah.. It has everything to do with what we were talking about..
SubHum02: I was trying to give you a better impression of what we were discussing.
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